Sheik Yerbouti

"KThxBye" oh how CUTE!!!!!!

Weren't we talking about supporters? I am sure we were. Who cares if politicians kill each other?

Can you imagine the public outcry if someone said this about Hillary supporters? Calling for people to die over politics is primitive and cheap.

Not really, I don't care what race people are as long as they aren't asssholes. But since I'm white(ish), I am automatically assumed to be a racist. So I fully understand your confusion. For the record, I don't care for Sandra Bullock, Julia Roberts or Kim Kardashian either. They all look cartoonish after all the

Sorry, but I do not agree. And I'm not alone in this. Aside from the confusing "plot" this show is nothing more than another "diversity is our strength" propaganda piece. I realize to many that may seem harsh, but it's SO common these days it has become boring. Lupita looks like she has bulimia. I dislike any

"She has likely had plastic surgery on her nose, but her beauty is a "natural" one; no packaging necessary."

So are cows!

Just be glad it's not another boring white girl. We all know how horrible they can be. Best to just retire the lot of them and embrace true diversity (which means everybody BUT whites now). And don't forget the shift in standards, Mindy Kaling is also considered to be "beautiful" and "exotic" as is Lupita Nyong'o.

I discovered early in life, back in the 70s, that every time I talked back to a cop, I ended up with either multiple tickets or he would keep me at the roadside for as long as an hour. Having long hair and a hot car was like fly paper for oinkers. I didn't learn to respect them from this sort of treatment, I learned

You're right of course, there is no white unity or we wouldn't be talking about this. White Americans are the most divided white people on the planet. The political system is obvious proof of this. But another measure of it is the fact that whites do no have each other's back.

I agree, this loser should be as black and blue as Loughner was after shooting into a crowd. But this kid actually gave himself up, didn't fight with the cops and even confessed to the crime instead of lying about it and dragging it out for years. That's how it works. If you don't fight with them, you give the cops

Oh come on, who bought this stuff? One of the cars had a waterfall in it ffs.