This actually a really nice article. Congrats
This actually a really nice article. Congrats
Holy shit - this is just a straight forward informative post explaining the answer to an interesting question. Well done.
This was not helpful.
How do I lobby for Nerf guns to be a part of an Olympic event? The event would only be open to siblings and one sibling would always be the target. No protection of any sort would be worn and someone could potentially lose an eye.
NBC= No Black Champions?
We posted about this years ago. That post did almost 500,000 views. They did nothing then. They can, and will, do nothing now.
Second playthrough, bub.
Strictly 100% accurate Objective Reviews! Now that’s some guuuud factual science I can get behind!
There’s a strong intersection between the type of dude who wants a brown turbo diesel manual wagon, and the type of dude who would fly 5000 miles on a whim to see a woman he’s only texted.
I don’t know why you seem to think that wandering around aimlessly is playing the game “legit”. The game launched with a tracker. Being able to actively hunt down pokemon is core gameplay. You may be content doing basically nothing but that doesn’t make your play style any more legit than people who actually like to…
If you live somewhere like New York that is feasible. I live in a rural town that has 4 pokestops all at the park. I walked 6 miles in 4 hours around the track. Ollecrong balls at the stops and going around the loops of the park. ZERO Pokémon spawn at the park. No one lures non stop and everyone runs out of pokeballs.…
counterpoint: he got out exploring neighbourhoods he might not have otherwise if he’d stuck to landmarks and shopping districts.
If they want to shock, they could just let Batman sleep with Batgirl...
It’s like they aren’t even trying anymore...
I am so glad that when I was 14 we were still on Internet 1.0
He would be wearing sunglasses at midnight.