
That is fucking disgusting. I hate him.

Hey hey hey

Thank you for demonstrating misogynoir perfectly. Now go fuck yourself.

I see Lovato is also slathering herself with brown stuff to get that ethnically ambiguous look that's so in vogue right now...

Jesus Christ, Bernie did not “march with MLK.” He was very involved in civil rights and got arrested at a protest once. That’s absolutely true. He never marched with King.

There’s nothing to struggle about here. Whether you like the product has nothing to do with these racist complaints. 

I absolutely don't like Fight the Power being used for any white politician as if it's his slogan and not something very specifically about and for Black people. I get that Chuck and Flav have had years of differences, but to fire him for not wanting to publicly endorse a candidate is not cool. 

The vaccine doesn't exist yet, and won't be ready for several months.

I don't know what GMG is or who you are.

Thank you! Damn. Love and trust Black long as they never express themselves. The best Black woman is a long-suffering, abuse-taking, mostly silent one, apparently.

What are you even talking about?

I don't know about Yahya, but what does Winston Duke know about Black women?

That’s how much golf Obama is estimated to have played in 8 years. Orange Asshole hasn’t been in office for a full 4 years yet. And he and his family are making millions by having the government pay for him to stay at his own properties. So if he is really donating his salary, it’s peanuts compared to what he is

She's...supposed to be cute?

She performed a set at the wedding. 

Can’t wait.

This year was my worst Valentine’s Day ever. My ex-boyfriend brought me a beautiful bouquet of red roses and a yummy cake from the supermarket around the corner. He stayed for about 10 minutes, sitting on my couch crying and saying he was so sorry over and over again. I broke up with him and threw him out on Dec. 21

What’s a pre-roll?

There's no way you've watched the trailer and can compare this to anything Tyler Perry makes. Be serious. 

I love John Boyega.