
They absolutely should only do conventions that also invite her. It’s a no-brainer. That’s not them trying to fix racism, that would be them being decent human beings who acknowledge the reality of the situation. 

Her fucking costars need to fucking refuse to do anything without her. Why aren’t they saying anything? Bitches.

Chupa mi teta izquierda, bicho.

She should not run for president now. Depending on what happens in 2020, I want to see her run in 2024 or 2028.

That money motive was just something the cops made up. It makes absolutely no sense.

These people have a lot of fucking nerve getting all indignant and passionate over this nothing issue, but defending murderous, dirty, rapist cops until the end. “Whitewash?” Do tell.

I have no idea what FB looked like in its early days, but it is not some kind of ranking system for women now, nor was it when I reluctantly joined over a decade ago. What the founder was up to when he was in college is irrelevant.

You can classify women’s looks all you want in your own head and in your personal life to your heart’s content. However, girls and women should not be subjected to these lists and other blatant acts of misogyny when they are attempting to get an education or earn a living. You understand the difference, I’m sure.

Nah, lol.

$10,000, not $100,000. No community service. No charge or record at all.

No. He forfeited 10% of the money, which is only $10,000. He has not been ordered to do community service. He has not plead anything. All charges dropped and record wiped clean. They mentioned that he HAS DONE community service. 

They are American citizens, actually. 

His attorney is saying that he agreed to no such thing and that is not a condition for them to drop the charges.

If you’ve been around these internet parts for the past few years, you know all about gaslighting...”

But the Tethered boy couldn’t be Red’s son. He is Adelaide’s son, because Red and Adelaide switched as children. So Red gave birth to the above-ground children, and Adelaide gave birth to the below-ground children. I think Red has sympathy for the clone children simply because she was a clone child.


I think it’s not a simple answer. Of course the cops did something shady, though.

See, at least that motive would make some kind of sense.

Hm...I don’t remember them saying he was weird since his grandma died or anything about him not talking. And the real versions control the clones when they’re underground, not the other way around.

That part isn’t explained. Just that “scientists” did it.