Lol, I’m always amazed when anyone else has even heard of Willingboro!
So he could spend more time in jail than Paul Manafort? Some bullshit.
No apology necessary! (P.S.: I wanna slap the guy who argued with your dad.)
No, I get that plenty of kids grow up that way. What I don’t understand is the lack of awareness that there are different types of families. I knew divorced families existed. I knew single parents existed. I didn’t need to be in those situations to know they existed, you know what I mean?
Does he know she’s Asian? Does she?
Willingboro in the house! Black by forced integration in the early 70s, lol.
I am so happy I grew up in a predominantly Black neighborhood.
Omg, this true, lol.
I grew up in an all-Black, working class to middle class suburb. I don’t understand why anyone would be in awe of married parents. Maybe it’s a generational thing? I’m kind of old.
Exit 5, Burlington-Mt. Holly. Hi!
South Jersey in the house! Black, suburban South Jersey to be exact, also a small town that no one has heard of. People seem to be very confused that Black, suburban, not-well-off towns exist. But they absolutely do because I do, so...
Hi, I can’t find that interview. Do you have a link? I beg of you, lol.
That’s pretty much it, lol. It’s just too good and perfect an ending, and there’s no way he could possibly figure out that’s what happened just because he saw the lawn guy there.
Ha! Googling that now...
Yes, they do (or they claim to) believe that.
Am I the only one who thinks Julie being alive and living with the lawn guy isn’t necessarily true, but is just wishful thinking?
Ok, but was the Julie ending real, or just wishful thinking? How would he (as represented by his wife’s ghost) know that Julie didn’t really die and married that lawn guy? I took it as something that would have been nice if it had happened, not something that actually happened.
Have you actually been on the NYC subway?