
Servers can technically be considered liable for this, even if they had no way to know the customer was going to drive home rather than take a cab, and even if they were pressured by the restaurant into overserving them. It’s a stupid law, which gives it something in common with virtually all laws pertaining to the

According to state law, yeah, it’s absolutely his responsibility.

Dude only decided to call the cops because they stiffed him on the tip. He had no problem with them walking out after 7 margs each.

You know, more than one person can be at fault in a single situation; it’s not a zero-sum blame game. I don’t condone driving after 7 margaritas, but rofl at everyone rushing to commend someone who didn’t see any problem with bringing a single two-top FOURTEEN margaritas.

That and “Let me educate you.” Both those phrases basically push the MURDER EVERYONE button in my lizard brain.

“Was that so hard?!”