I’m always amazed at how disgusting your letter writers are in their shit stories. I have crohns and even I have better control than these animals. FFS people, get your acts together.
I’m always amazed at how disgusting your letter writers are in their shit stories. I have crohns and even I have better control than these animals. FFS people, get your acts together.
You should have played basketball. you could be the headlining star of a professional Lithuanian team right now!
My now-3-year-old son was born at UCI Medical Center. He has a stuffed Peter the Anteater that I got the day he was born and that he has carried everywhere since.
The UCs can afford to be picky as hell with out-of-state students, and Hogg didn’t have super great test scores. He probably didn’t apply to Riverside or Merced, either; those are a lot easier to get into than the others, although even that’s changing.
Seems like you haven’t seen Snowpiercer. The train has a school and a nightclub and they feed steerage with ground-up bugs and, occasionally, people.
Yeah, when I see:
It will really be a matter of seeing what she does on the committee. Her refusal to punish crooked prosecutors working with state judges to railroad (lets be honest) POC might have been because she just didn’t want the political blowback. Which while not acceptable, would still be better than a lot of the field.
See i’m the other way. Warren is cool, I don’t know enough about Gilbrand, the worst things said about her seem to be a stretch.
Josie & The Pussycats is a national treasure and you should watch it immediately!
Resident of MN and self-appointed expert on winter coats, here. (I fucking hate the winter, I fucking hate the cold, why I live here is a mystery to me.) In my years in this wasteland, I’ve come up with a system that requires 2 coats, with one bonus coat. If you live anywhere that gets seriously cold/snowy in the…
If I were HBO now would be the best time to introduce the Westworld tie in and piss everyone off.
Hardhome > Battle of the Bastards
But this might be better than both.
I read it because I have come to realize that the best Thrones episodes cannot be ruined, even by spoilers.
To white kids “The Talk” is about sex. To black kids “The Talk” is about not getting beat or murdered by cops.
the Cambodian war seen through the eyes of a westerner. because god forbid if poc tell their own stories
I sincerely wish BernieBros were in the Wypipo tournament bracket.
For the anti-Sanders people, quit fighting a war on two fronts. You are still trying to take on Sanders and Trump. The 2016 primary elections are over. The more you rip on Sanders, the less likely his people are going to be on your side moving forward. Sanders people have far more in common politically with the…
First of all, lol at your many attempts to make sure the Sanders people don’t flame you. Good luck with that.
This is funny, because on my Dem Thrones podcast, we actually call them the Bernie-hova Witnesses