i dont think ive ever said this word (even in private). i hope i never will.
i dont think ive ever said this word (even in private). i hope i never will.
I wish I could like anita, but the lack of context she presents in her points makes her seem a bit disingenuous. IDK maybe its a limitation of short videos as a medium as opposed to articles.
build a small outhouse over it
oh god we summoned one
can someone find me the source of this statistic? I can vaguely recall looking at one to do with wealthy black people being INCARCERATED at higher rates then poor white people, but now whenever I google it, it brings me back to jontron. :/
because they arent a front for a local drug cartel like my childhood arcade was :/
how is it creative tho? we’ve been hearing this stuff on the internet for years, it’s like a dead fucking meme.
no, bad nintendo
its got a good premise, bad execution. if you like shiny fanservice and waifus (not judging, ppl like lots of things) you’ll enjoy it. If you wanna see a more accurate depiction of mmos (mechanics, guild politics, etc,) I’d lean more towards recommending log horizon. It’s more of a slow burn than action. but it’s…
because konami is konami, and konami is the worst
what if the illegal ballots were in his favor? what then?
MMOs til 3am.....I’m not good at self care
have these assholes never heard of the book of kells????
*coughcough*Society for the Protection of Ugly Goblins*cough*
It’s got more of a justification than Ghostbusters 2 imho
I feel that if you go as far to erase any piece of media because it’s racist, you open the path for such things to be written again. In my opinion, we should keep them around, but with added commentary addressing problematic elements in a way the reader can understand.