Shealyn Johnson

There were literal 'lol' moments, but that were shadowed by awesomely frustrating moments. That being said I'd probably watch another season. Just to watch them all implode and hopefully stop talking to each other.

“Fashion Nova-ass bitch” had me howling…

Barely on 2nd ep but went to wiki and did "find on page" for Sara hoping she'd pop up again haha

Really annoyed he didn't go back to the restaurant. Sara had to've given at least a last name for her reservation…boo Dev, boo

She truly is a beautiful anomaly…and I call next on the motorboat

"My body. My choice." When she snatches the check and takes a picture of it I almost fell over. Poor poor Lindsay. Shes horrible but you just feel bad and wanna hold her.

I JUST started watching The League a few weeks ago as Im running through Netflix and Hulu and yes, its obnoxious af but I laugh out loud constantly. I already had a strong passion for Nick Kroll and Zouks and have been enjoying Scheer more and more but watching The League now actually makes me mad I wasnt hip to it

My bf is a fan of all things comic related, DC especially, so he was bummed to see the low ratings for SS from critics but we were going to see the movie either way because who cares what another's opinion is on something you're interested in, but now even I'm surprised by all the "hate" the movie is getting. The

I teared up watching the Broad City season 3 trailer. I teared up reading how Dean will be back for the Gilmore Girls reboot. I cursed Shonda Rhimes for putting Meredith through yet another life altering trauma last night. The first siting of Bosephus made me laugh to tears. Friends and Sex and the City I still watch

Tangential? Maybe. Bratty? No way. Especially when compared to other characters Killian's far from bratty. But, I enjoy he and Jimmy's interactions. Or more so Jimmy's reaction to Killian.

More Kilian!

You don't triple like a Bro's Bro and then do that ish smh not cool

ugh, when they we're at that last meeting and I noticed the guys taking copious notes I just started shouting, "stop! stop! stop!! stop!!!" as Richard was writing on the white board. My bf just looked at me like I was crazy. "They're gonna steal their shit!" ahahaha I wish I knew "brain-rapping" before. Also, why did

::clap:: ::clap::


::Begins slow clap:: ::clap:

Did we just become best friends!?

Props for Lady Sovereign in the beginning