
Fuck you, Miley. You're not the first or the last to pull this kind of shit. And she doesn't think about the color of her dancers? BIG. STINKIN'. BULL. SHIT. All of this is calculated. The fact that a few rich Black performers (Kanye clearly has issues with Black women and Lil Kim has admitted to wanting to BE a

Alimony can be awarded to either spouse, male or female. It has been overwhelmingly awarded to women for obvious reasons. If you are an artist who makes $30,000 a year and you are married to a CEO who makes $300,000 a year, and the two of you get divorced after 20 years, provided you are in an alimony jurisdiction,

I didn't take the list to mean that at all.

Several months ago, I was telling two friends of mine (we're all female) about a big, emotional argument I had gotten in with my boyfriend. We both cried out of frustration, which I thought was totally normal considering it was a huge, messy deal. Well, my friends surprised the hell out of me by saying things like

I am conflicted by feeling genuinely sorry for this woman while wanting to slap her.

I hate to be a grammar Nazi, but this is one of my pet peeves: "One group was comprised of women who..." This should be "One group comprised women who..."

I like to call that "Black by Injection".

Oh sweet Jesus, you really believe this stuff, huh? Wow.


No...words and phrases mean what they mean. You either understand them and use them correctly or you don't.

No. I'm sorry, but your reading comprehension needs work.

I do agree about the press conference of shame - I can't believe so many political wives participate. I do know that they are pressured to do so, and also that finding out that your marriage is not what you thought it was is the emotional and mental equivalent of being hit with a brick. I cut people a little slack

You seem to confuse the words "fact" and "opinion". And denying that a problem exists because you've decided those who suffer from it are weak is not the definition of rational. Seems you've got a bit of searching in your future.

Um...I never mentioned people liking or having big butts or frizzy hair. Strange that people keep mentioning stuff I didn't say.

Cute skirt!

Not one reputable news organization (meaning not a tabloid, not someone's gossip blog) has written the story "Hilary Banging Huma". They have, however, reported on the silly speculation that generally comes from the right wing nuttier religious types.

Totally irrational, cruel, and ignorant of facts. Blithely describing young people who are struggling with the judgment and torture of living in our homophobic and sometimes dangerous society as "cowards" using their sexuality as a scapegoat is pretty horrible. To be that lacking of empathy and judgmental on a

Oh, and Huffington Post has quoted nutso homophobic conservatives who speculate on Hilary's sexuality. They've not written a story just to spread that rumor.

Oh wow. How heartless.

I don't know about other people, but I have not always been my own best friend in my love life, but I am hella competent at work. Most people don't pick their bed partners the way they pick their business partners, vendors, secretaries, etc. And I don't think anyone should be judged professionally for having a jerky