
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, you're STILL on this? Lol

True. I should have said "some younger women".

Nope. But what I'm seeing is unless the perpetrator says "I hate all n-words!" and is wearing a Klan hood, any consideration of a racial element is denied. And people start bringing in their fantasy description of what might have happened, with the non-white victim described as somehow being aggressive and causing

Nope, it's way more fun for things to happen that actually have a racial element while most of white America denies there's a problem.

Sure. But people sure NEED to strip victims of color of their humanity as quickly as possible, and make sure that we all know how much they are at fault for whatever happens to them, no matter if they were "in the wrong neighborhood", buying something "too expensive", or wearing the "wrong" outfit.

Sigh...sure, anything is possible. But what are the chances, given the way race works in America in 2013, that race had absolutely positively nothing zilch nada to do with this man's failure to see the woman at his door as a human being?

I can't possibly articulate the problem as well as Nevergreen, so:

Empathizing with a murder victim is not "deifying" her. Your comment is quite helpful to those looking to not empathize too much, to see this woman as an "other", to believe that she had it coming somehow. It will always be "I'm not saying it was right to shoot her, but...". Same song, different dead Black person.

Yup. Didn't take too long for people to get there.'s your point? That it is somehow less bad that she was murdered because she drove drunk that night?'s boring because no one is being objectified in it? I have yet to watch the video, so maybe I'm unclear about what the problem with it is. Is she supposed to do the same kind of video every time...?

Such. A. Douche.

Take heart - I don't know if it will happen in my lifetime, but you are absolutely right that our current reliance on animals for food is not sustainable. Eventually, no one will eat meat. So there's that.

Got it. Yes, many, but not all, Americans are very insular. Please know that those of us who are aren't so closed-off are embarrassed by those who are.

Are you American? Because I am. If you have no idea about how our culture works - meaning not from books - please do not tell me how to feel about things that pertain to my culture.

No. It isn't. Because it is not the same. You pushier vegan types like to insist that since we're all animals, we're all in the same boat...until it comes down to the fact that ANIMALS EAT OTHER ANIMALS TO SURVIVE. All the time. Yet, it's only wrong when human animals do it. Ok. Nothing more to go on about.

I eat meat. I am a larger and/or more intelligent animal than the animals I eat. That is how it works in the animal kingdom - animals eat other animals. I do not, however, believe that something I'm going to eat needs to be tortured and then slaughtered in some horrific way. I would love for anything I eat to live

She sounds frightening!

"This is the gist of Ms. Spiegel's cogent, humane and astute argument, and it is sound."

Hmmm...I wonder why, out of thousands of known persons you could ask me about agreeing with, you chose Alice Walker?