
Damn, I somehow can't resist...

Oh Jesus Christmas, really man?!

Again, I don't know where you're getting this idea that somehow American Black women are shorter than any other average American woman, but the facts don't bear that out. And the average American Black man is 5'10, which is not "very very tall", and pretty much lines up with white American men. I wonder where

So basically, a woman has a right to privacy and control over her own body, just like a man. That is, until that woman is pregnant. Then, she has much less right to privacy, and no ability to control certain aspects of her own body, such as if she continues with the pregnancy at all, or if she gives birth to a

Right, you have to be both. At least in the US, it simply isn't true that "white girls tend to fit this more than women of color". Which is why I pointed out that Black people here are generally not any shorter than white people. Clearly, there are really skinny people in both groups. So no need to point out that

Not true, if you're talking about the US. Specifically, Black people are not any shorter in general than white people in this country. That is not even a stereotype that I am aware existed. We are aware that we are all supposed to have huge butts and be really fat, though.

No. Not at all. Even in industries where it has been proven that POC are loyal customers, we are ignored in advertising.

This really makes no sense, in light of the fact that most of the world is non-white.

I don't understand - are we pretending that advertising, fashion, etc., uses minorities "in proportion to their population" in the US? Like, all the companies (in an effort to be fair, of course) are hiring based on percentages?

Sure, sure. Sounds totally sane.

Lol, ok. Clearly.

No, the 63% is expressly just white, nothing else, AND non-Hispanic. Interestingly, the other part of my comment wasn't addressed. Since white people are actually a worldwide minority, and will be a US minority in our lifetime, will it be ok with you to have white women represented as little as possible in fashion,

"Oh, I met this guy, and he does XYZ," which meaning how much money he makes, and is the opposite of how men refer to women they meet. I've found this to be the case with nearly all women I've ever met.

Actually, the census lists white, non-Hispanics as about 63% of the population in the US. And clearly, most of the world is decidedly non-white. I just hope that this idea that since if there are more of one group of people, it is fine to feature other groups as little as possible in certain arenas isn't too

Yes, I see how someone like you might think that a woman can't handle adult conversation, what with your "everyone knows" and "common knowledge" ideas.

I see the faithful African American men one, as well as a bunch of stuff about weight loss. Apparently, I'm lonely and fat?

Yeah, women just complain about street harassment and sexism for the attention, and to have their friends be all "You go, girl!" on Facebook.

Ladies and gentlemen, here is an example of the problem.

The whole point of this article is that she is an unlicensed, untrained (her words) person giving out abortion pills to people because there is a desperate need for such a thing. I'm not fine with the fact that she has to exist, but I am fine with the fact that she, most likely not medically trained in any way, is

She plainly said that she is not a doctor. Be worried that our ridiculous, hypocritically puritanical, anti-woman country makes her existence necessary.