Are you sending this info to Sheryl Underwood? Because I haven't seen anyone on this site say anything about Asians not experiencing discrimination.
Are you sending this info to Sheryl Underwood? Because I haven't seen anyone on this site say anything about Asians not experiencing discrimination.
She's clearly an ignorant, self-hating woman.
White people tan, get lip injections, and butt injections to ape a small part of Blackness. The idea is that some of the features of Black women that are considered ugly, when watered down and put on a white woman, are beautiful. Ain't white supremacy fascinating?
Sheryl Underwood doesn't even come close to speaking for even a fraction of Black people.
She obviously can't change something she did years ago, but the idea that it's just "a choice" to change your non-white features specifically to look more white, and that it's not a problem that POC are made to feel that their very livelihoods and worth are affected by how white they can look, just floors me. I guess…
Hmmm...and why not mention the obvious nosejob?
Who are you trying to convince? Certainly not me.
Oh, sure, the New York Times, that bastion of perfection. If they say something is true, then by golly, it is gospel!
Yes, only a poor person would point out how ridiculous it is for a couple making $220,ooo to call themselves "fairly middle class". Interesting how my short comments, which mentioned nothing about how much money I make, "oozed" poverty.
Oh Jesus, Joseph and Mary, are you serious???!!! "If you feel much less than middle class, I suggest you move and commute"???!!! Please point to where I said I "feel poor". I'll wait.
Dude, I'm 38.
AND you seem to think that Manhattan is the only borough. Also very telling.
I don't know who told you that you have the right to tell me (or anyone) to shut up because you don't agree with my assessment of your comment. I stand by what I said: People who think like you ("we're fairly middle class" - while living on $220,000 a year for 2 people) are what's wrong with this city.
Yeah...I live in NY too, and you are part of the problem if you think that a couple making over $200,000 a year is "middle class". That's insulting and exactly what's wrong with this city.
Clearly, we are the same person. why aren't we being given a full page of pics to peruse, like we have been for every other designer mentioned?
For some stupid reason, I teared up a bit when I read this post! (My period starts next week...) I guess it's just nice to have someone else say they understand what I mean about being hungry all the time and having a hard time finding the right amount of food that staves that off but doesn't keep me chubby. Wow. …
Oh wow! Sorry to hear that. I am also a bit colder than everyone else, but not anemic. Would you know what kind of panel I should ask for, and what numbers are the ones to look at? And what are you doing for the condition?
Age: 15