
Oh my god I’m sorry but Logan is a blank white wall and the revival completely erased any trace of personality he ever had, any character development he ever achieved, and reduced him to being a situation Rory was in instead of a person. I never minded him, but always found him bland - but if I thought he was a bland

This account is grey but I need this. Just finished watching the whole thing in one junk-food-filled night with my BFF. Our verdicts:
- Too much Logan
-Not enough Jess (though I personally don’t think they should get together I think he had the best character development of anyone on the show and his cameos were SO

I get that she’s attention seeking and whatever, but this is a pretty good statement. Why shouldn’t she go ahead and make it? Many celebrities have been saying much the same, it’s kind of what they do. Does it get annoying? I guess. But like, whatever.

whoa whoa whoa. “The cat was in the movie Stewart Little”. SNOWBALL?

Right? I’m Canadian and this is such a ubiquitous thing I thought the Americans would at least... know about it? We’re right here. Right next to you. With poppies on our lapels every November since 1921, apparently. I looked it up.

literally whatever conditioner I am already using. I just...leave some in. Or wet my hands and run some through my hair after it’s dried to quell frizz.

That said I’m all about the “CG method” and have curly hair so I use two kinds of conditioner and rarely shampoo (and I keep that sulfate free, too), so whichever of

literally whatever conditioner I am already using. I just...leave some in. Or wet my hands and run some through my

Bloody Mary. Or just mirrors when the lights were off. Also when I was really little my parents watched The Sixth Sense one time and didn’t know I walked in and watched some of it and then I was afraid of ghosts for a bit. Watched it again a few years later in full and was like “what the hell? this isn’t even really a

I need a face moisturizer recommendation! It snowed here the other day and my face feels dry :(

Meanwhile, a rec of my own: I recently got myself a Dinoplatz Too Cool For School Escalator Mascara (off Sephora’s website) and the packaging is adorable, the gimick (you twist it and it goes from a long thin brush to a

in the very tiny thumbnail on the sidebar out of the corner of my eye I could almost see the “shiny legs” thing, but maybe it’s because I’ve been spending all day trying to learn how to digitally paint stuff to look shiny... it just looks like paintsplatter to me no matter what. I can see how it’s maybe supposed to

I can’t think of a good story for myself but in the past month my boyfriend has accidentally managed to have his porn seen by my best friend. Twice. The same friend! The one I’ve known since childhood and don’t talk about sex stuff with!!

That is almost definitely a recreation of the “dark ritual” scene in DA:O. Fuckin nerds. (literally, I guess)

I made a banana bread yesterday, does that count?

“THIS WOMAN IS RE-DEFINING STRONG” is the best thing I’ve heard all day and also she should get it on business cards.

My mom does this. Her name is Joan Pamela and she goes by Penny... because her Hebrew name is Pnina and her father apparently wanted to name her Penelope but it was vetoed. She made a point of naming my brother and I names that were already Hebrew/Jewish-ish so that we wouldn’t have these troubles. I appreciate it and

One mother explained that her child’s name “was taken by a terrorist group, soon after she was born”.

do it anyway! listening to whatever you like and not giving a shit is totally punk rock.

deep cuts moved to The Toast for a while! But The Toast is gone now too so :(

this continues to be super weird to me, but also I can understand that. Imo his music is bad, but then that might just be an opinion gained after having to hear the same song seven million times at the aforementioned bartending gig where the in-house DJ played the same playlist at every party we held...

wow I came down into these here comments to express my deepest hate for pitbull. I have apparently come to entirely the wrong place. Usually my feelings are in line with the Jezebel masses! What gives? Pitbull is gross have we forgotten those annoying and kinda dorky videos of him on a boat with like a bunch of girls

the motion censor light above the back door of my building is like, reverse for me. It’s usually on as I approach the door and turns off as soon as I step under it. Probably the censor is just pointed too far out, but it’s still weird to feel like I’m somehow turning it OFF.