
See I don’t read any of this the same way as you, I guess. I don’t even find her sex talk (years earlier?) particularly blunt. Many parents want their kids to know the correct names of body parts from a young age. I wouldn’t be surprised if the kid already knew what a penis was and that boys (yes not all but I doubt

I read that as she was maybe not wanting to go into too much detail about what a “sexual encounter” meant/tiptoeing around the topic of SEX and sex acts less than around the “abuse can happen” part and her kid was like “it’s okay, I know what things are.” because that’s usually the situation kids say that in.

I don’t know... isn’t he Jewish? Also, even if he is kind of an attention-seeking twat I very much doubt he isn’t anti nazi. Also also, it’s always struck me that he’s prone to outbursts of emotion/violent reactions? So reactive punch to a nazi seems p legit, considering it would be my response as well and I am

Oh man. Can we not do both? Can we not write good thought out pieces about why their rhetoric is garbage, can we not argue with them using our words whenever the opportunity arises, and also, ALSO, punch them in the face when they spew their garbage rhetoric in the street? I will punch a goddamn nazi if I encounter


Love it. One at the march I went to read “WE SHALL OVERCOMB”

I was at the one in Ottawa in solidarity! We marched and chanted and were met with a ton of support from passerby/cars/people in buildings as we went by. Canada is with all of you nasty American women! The turnout was a lot more than I think the organizers were expecting, too. Just a really damn impressive day. And

The CBC article I read on this incident also said that some were dual Canadian-American citizens. So, what the actual fuck.

Ottawa too!!

for real. I recently went back to this drug-store gel pot because I had tried all the expensive liquids (Kat Von D, Stila) and come away unimpressed. They dry out fast! The brushes get all frayed! It takes a little practice but once you have the hang of painting on wings with a brush and gel liner, Revlon is cheap and

A friend of mine with a chronic illness has said the exact same thing - that they are tired of being told to hope. Not because hope isn’t nice or that there necessarily isn’t any, and not that people shouldn’t hope for them, if they want, just that they are done with putting in the effort of “hope” every day because

Ah. you get me. People! Use the social media platform appropriate to your content! Especially if you are famous and people will see your shit no matter where you post it anyway? I mean hell, if you have more twitter followers than tumblr followers but you really want to write a long textpost then just goddamn link the

I want to go to a dog bar oh my goodness!! Didn’t get into anything too ridiculous here, since I’m pretty broke. But I am hopeful about a job interview I had (but trying not to get TOO hopeful and in the process becoming very superstitious! I hope this post isn’t jinxing anything lol). We have a bottle of wine to

The grocery store next to my house has had a sign up for like a month advertising Christmas trees but hadn’t actually put any out yet until today. I was so excited when we went out earlier to grab a bottle of wine and saw them! I’m gonna drag my boyfriend out with me to get one as soon as he wakes up tomorrow and tbh

EFF THAT’S WHAT IT WAS. I spent that whole scene trying to place it! I caught most of the covers, Paint It Black particularly stood out to me, but some I didn’t notice due to being absorbed in the show and the fact that they just fit really well.

I was thinking Jesus or Sherry. Mainly because I don’t think dwight’s handwriting would be that pretty.

wait but that’s actually just how smallville ends.

Yeah Jensen Ackles was, and that entire storyline was entirely forgotten and ignored after he left the show. Pretty sure he left it for Supernatural?

Also this idea doesn’t sound that different from the thing they did where when touring a TV lot the tour bus goes through Star’s Hollow and Sam (/Dean on Gilmore Girls)

Nah, he got fairly good looking. He was kind of cute in early seasons of GG and early Supernatural (I was originally Team Sam if only for the GG nostalgia and also in early SN he’s a good person? Then he gets whiny and dumb.), then he went through a very not-cute phase in supernatural but I also stopped watching

Am I the only one who thinks that once Lorelei and Luke were a real thing Rory + Jess became weird? I know they aren’t blood related but they’re basically family now. And they essentially both have the same father-figure in Luke. =/

Anyway, Jess deserves better.