
I dyed half of my hair white this year (it was black on top and white on the bottom.) I feel like I’ll never know when my hair starts to grey at this rate, since I’m always dying it, but I can tell people it started at 21 ;)

Let me do a little psychoanalysis.

But now, a choice must be made: forsake one of the most predictable things you can have on the “most important day of your life”—a normal-ass dinner—and gamble on something alternative, fingers crossed that you don’t get sauce on your dress. Or just shut the fuck up and do the normal thing that won’t confuse or

Until now I thought vocal fry was like, the excess words, like ‘like’. It’s the low growling thing? Are you kidding me? Everyone talks like that.

So this article makes this sound like a new thing, but this has actually been possible a while, and it happens regularly in the US and Canada. That said, it’s absolutely great that this is something that is being accomplished elsewhere, and in less “developped” countries. I think the article might be confusing people

instagram link okay? let’s call it Fuck Your Bougie French Tips

y’all shoulda seen my face at “alleged LSD overdose”. Man, fuck everything. Someone just fire all the cops everywhere please. And find me some appropriate reaction GIFs and also maybe some of cute baby animals because I am done.

related to the first story: any small child just learning to talk + the word “peanuts” = endless hilarity.

That said, while cute and funny I’m not sure I’d classify that one as “spectacularily wtf” - if said 6-yr-old had come back to loudly complain that there were not, in fact, tiny candy vaginas in his box of

The worst is how they’re stringing this out for so long and trying to cover their asses like “oh we still totally want to do a story yes yep.” when it’s obvious to anyone that they don’t, not without sexy nekked pics! Like, next time Ben, just say “oh you won’t pose nude for us? Then nah.” Same effect, less trouble

PC makes them yes, and one year the lays flavour contest had a poutine entry too but I don’t think it won.

I have black sheets (because I’m hardcore and metal and sexy?) but... who asks for black sateen sheets on their registry?? Whattt.

Yes please.

Oh dear.

Distress centre hotlines! If there’s a college/university in your town you may also be able to see their counsellors for free though it’s possible they check student cards. Community centres also often have someone. There are also free forums on the internet staffed with professionals!

He sounds depressed and it is quite understandably stressing you the fuck out. Look, it is possible to save relationships and reach a healthy place again with someone who’s severely depressed, everyone deserves love! It would take support from you, and yes patience, but also a good deal of willingness and drive from

Oh ffs. I surround myself with such good people that sometimes I forget how much people suck. I’m hoping you can do the same, because screw those jerks! Have a wonderful vacation - have an EXTRA wonderful vacation just to spite ‘em!

Right? And they’re cheap, the one I saw on Amazon was like 13 bucks (and I think it was on sale?? Petition to replace $6000 deep cuts kitchen set with this ladle.)

Sometimes I feel like I’m the only “minimalist makeup” person who doesn’t use concealer or have a “natural” makeup look. Like, I use maybe three things day-to-day (sunscreen, liquid/cream eyeliner, mascara) and do a pretty bold cat eye most of the time (it’s gothy!). I find concealers make me break out, and I am not

Okay but those ones that look like lochness monsters though.

I used to not be able to sleep with my closet door open as a kid, not because I thought there were monsters in my closet (monsters aren’t real, duh) but because the way the sheets were folded on one of the shelves looked like a face. I couldn’t un-see it and it freaked me out. I don’t know why I never