No, she’s Tony Soprano. ;)
No, she’s Tony Soprano. ;)
I feel like it goes through phases. I used to be on reddit a lot more and read through “front page” threads from the default/bigger subreddits fairly often and had a pretty good time. It’s vibe was progressive with a hint of that militant, free-speech over PC speech attitude - but most of that was confined to…
The Toronto Pan Am games have proven to be very important for Torontonians this year and have triggered a unified sense of pride in our city.
I think that’s the only one I tried. It was ok.
So somehow in the whole debaucle of the dog smuggling story I missed the fact that Johnny Depp was filming for Pirates. They’re making ANOTHER pirates???
So I saw this the other day and thought “that pyrite box is bullshit” and then the next day I wandered into an expensive hippy store that sold rocks and incense and stuff and saw a smallish chunk of pyrite there for $65. What is this fool’s gold conspiracy?? Did the whole world just forget what “fool’s gold” actually…
Ugh. I wish people wouldn’t armchair psychology so much. Exposure therapy is a useful thing for some kinds of OCD and some phobias, but it’s also like a really specific thing with strict methodology and just plunging someone into the thing they’re afraid of (which is called flooding) is pretty rarely used and should…
Then Vaselka is maybe possibly the best place to have them for the first time! (I can’t believe anyone has never had them they were like a staple in my house but I’m part ukranian so)
It has a great history! And its 24 hour.
IVs and needles! Mostly IVs so not that often, but yeah it sucks. Also, does anyone have a phobia that only registers after the fact? I don’t panic during the lead up to needles but have apparently had panic attacks after. I thought I was allergic or something for a while and then a nurse was like nope that’s a panic…
I posted the past couple weeks about cat things and new apartment things so here is my happy little update: We moved in, one of the cats is currently on the cat tree I ordered (the other is being a scaredy and hiding in the closet), and all the copious amounts of moneys I needed to pay for various moving-related…
The BF is from NY but I visited him a lot there - I don’t have a lot of advice but go to S’Mac maybe and Big Gay Icecream and get pierogies and beer at Vaselka.
I mean, at least this one is actually doable.
wildfires are burning across Alaska,
Buy them a whole bunch of crap for them to ignore! Srsly though, I am currently learning the hard way that if they don’t have enough/good enough things to scratch they will destroy your house.
Also buy them good food, the cheap stuff isn’t good for them and they go through it super fast so the more expensive stuff…
I ordered this one off amazon! I hope it works well. There was a different one I had wanted from the .com site but it didn’t ship to Canada so I had to go to .ca - sucks, you guys.
I’ve also gotten two different kinds of scratch-deterent sprays to try out and Soft Claws, which I may or may not actually be…
that video was nearly five minutes long yet I still I couldn’t look away. Driver HAD to have been high, that’s all I got. Also the one guy says it’s a dude driving but then for the rest of the video they’re calling the driver “she” and “sweetie”?? >=[
I’m moving on Sunday!! It’s actually exciting and great so I don’t even care about the hassle. Except that the apartment I am leaving is charging us an OBSCENE amount for damages caused by cats. The damages are real, but it’s still a lot.
So I ordered a bunch of cat crap off amazon that will hopefully help avoid this…
I’m Canadian but a couple Canada Days ago I was invited to a friend’s place where he said there’d be beers and beer pong and fun hanging outs, so I went and there was. Except that it was him and his douchey bro friends playing beer-pong on the patio while all their girlfriends stood JUST inside (other side of closed…
My general rule for dreams is that you can tell a person about your dream if they were in it. But I mean, there are caveats to that. Every now and then I’ll have a dream where someone I barely even knew six years ago shows up and like, I’m not just gunna find ‘em on facebook and be all “YOU WERE IN MY DREAM LAST…