Wow. These people are spending a lot of time commenting on the fact that people spend a lot of time commenting on Jezebel.
Wow. These people are spending a lot of time commenting on the fact that people spend a lot of time commenting on Jezebel.
and anyone else with a very lax schedule, how do you organize your time?
Sounds weird. Especially that it’s pinterest like... whaaaat. I know every social netword has it’s nazis (seriously though), but my understanding of pinterest is that it’s very... pastel and twee? I have to admit that pastel + twee + literal nazi is a new one for me.
Also she sounds like a shitty person. Weird, but…
holy shit dude that is a sweet tattoo. I’m thinking of getting something small for my birthday this year! But maybe I should dream bigger :p
I haven’t read the article yet but... does anyone call them “Stag and Doe”s??? I knew a lot of people who had them in my hometown but haven’t heard the term much since. But... doe is a female deer, stag is the male... makes sense, right?
I... was pretty sure the “white angel” bit was a tongue and cheek callout to the exact kind of thing you’re talking about? I can’t even start to see how that could be said in earnest and not sarcastically.
^^ okay this is so bad. The next part of Sentence Which I Can’T Even is about how “high-maintenance” girls lack “self respect” hahahahahaha.
I’m trying, but I’m having a pretty hard time just getting past the first sentence tbh.“There comes a tipping point where a chick’s demands become too...” - and I’m out.
I’d argue that you’re still missing some of the point. Women don’t not ignore these threats and harassment because they’re weaker or less able to fend for themselves, they don’t ignore it because they receive threats that are objectively more serious, and they receive them more often. Not to mention, a shitty…
Having naked pictures of you sent to coworkers could totally be a problem for some shy person.
Okay someone please explain to me why on Kotaku the thing to do if you like a game/are excited about an E3 announcement is to talk about your penis? Is it just that erections are the only way these commenters know how to express excitement or...?
Holy shit “emergency deodorant remover sponge”. Look, I don’t know what kind of life you lead where a deodorant stain can be considered an emergency, but I don’t judge. But please, for me, no one ever spend money on this. This is how you remove a deodorant stain from literally anything: rub nylon or some…
Life is hard.
“AHHH” - Me, out loud, reading that.
I did a literal puppy-esque head-tilt. I am not sure what the takeaway from that is. It’s like a double-neg.
Can I live vicariously through you? When I called my mom on her body-shaming bullshit she asked me why I was being so sensitive...
Stick your cellphone in your clavicle! Reach around ( behind) your head and take an “insta”! If you can’t apply three filters in that position you don’t deserve love!!
I love that print. Now I’m sad. Thanks, Jane.
For real tho. Do a lot of people just have really long arms? I’m a small human but even if I lost all the squish on my body I’m pretty sure my arms wouldn’t reach?