
Whats interesting about Green is that unlike most chippy/motormouth/draw fouls guys, he is actually a good player outside of that role, he could drop the act and still be in the league, unlike Delledova and others of his ilk.

Lightfoot is likely my all-time “haunting lyric” artist.

“The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald” is an all-timer, but there is one single line that gives me chills every time.

Schumer is hot garbage, he needs to go.

No, I’m with both of you.

I’m a 44 year old man, not Panic! At The Disco’s core demographic.

1 & 2 are still worth playing, as they are new enough for the graphics to hold up, as well as the control scheme.


He’s always great, but in this case that was 100% genuine. Reigns’ weak point since he started was his mic work. In the WWE, when they want you better on the mic, they put you under Paul Heyman’s tutelage.

What’s interesting is that the guy was born in Brooklyn, and all his arrest reports from New York identify him as “white male”. As far as I know, that’s self-reported, they ask you during booking your race.

Disagree, its that freaky “perfectly straight across” hairline.

Even if they didn’t specifically get Reign’s blessing, I have no problem with Dean turning.

Yes, I regret saying that “corporate management is 100% tits and is always great”. It was a dumb thing to say, and I immediately regretted it.

Unions have massive flaws, and it seems like they are inherently unable to prevent corruption at the highest levels, but in the face of Citizens United, there is no better tool for labor to enforce fairness.

Each individual component of that sounds fucking terrible, but as a whole...I must try it!

Wait wait wait wait....

Although, I imagine that like most other prequels, RDR2 will inform us as to the “why” of these characters’ future actions/decisions.

My father (US Navy, Vietnam) doesn’t internet, but he would like to extend to you the opportunity to unfuck yourself.
