
Otoh, Eric Trump’s wedding didn’t pollute water or violate foreign policy, so it can be argued she’s overqualified to work in this administration.

I heard Robert “Logjammer” Mueller like to Eiffel Tower women with his bro, the Tiffany’s Head of Security.

I agree with you that 2 pistols and a rifle is very meh, but I also understand if you aren’t a gun person/didn’t grow up around guns, it would seem like a lot.

Wait a second...those college teams were real licensed teams...

Trump is our Supreme Leader now, so it’s okay to blame the whirlwind we are currently reaping after 40 years of American interjection into Middle Eastern politics on “the black guy”.

He’s tall, intelligent, and vehemetly loves America.

No, you hush!

I has to be Spotted Dick, right?

Also, we’re on a lonely blue ball hurtling through space and it will all end someday and we’ll be dead after having been raped by hornets who have AIDS.

This administration has shown they care nothing for the environment. For anyone to remain is now only providing it with cover. If these people really care, they would publicly and loudly rebuke him and leave, take away his ability to say that CEO’s help inform him.

An article about Mary Barra & GM isn’t cars?

No, it’s a read.

I don’t understand why everyone is making jokes, covfefe is a perfectly cromulent word.

Tbf, your kids being kawaii af would make a man tsundere irl.

I can empathize.

I live in a black neighborhood. I came here and didn’t see color.
