

Unless they are afraid of the Mini interfering with Virtual Console sales for the Switch, stopping or even pausing production on the Minis is crazytown.

It’s the problem with Nike’s color schemes/gradients. They don’t make any normal colors, they are all this weird neon future-ish colors. Individually they look cool, but spread a few of them across a uniform, and it gets this weird plastic/bad render effect.

While it is bold, striking even, there’s just no way it will catch on.

The gun came from somewhere, right?

Jokes on you Samer, my favorite sport is failing upward while being really super-racist.

I noticed that.

Was going to come here and say this.

It’s especially galling in that Republicans not only don’t need a single Democratic vote, they don’t even need 100% of their own votes.

I for one am tired of Pelosi.

The son always rebels against the father. Spoelstra, to become his own man, must tear down the construct that Pat Riley represents.

Cool, I’m gonna buy it and play as my hometown team!

Breitbart is going to declare war on Trump for giving Bannon the Mariah Carey “I don’t know her” treatment.

That’s not an asshole, that’s Tazz the ECW wrestler!!

You seem pretty mad about this.

The question I have is, did Peggy finish that sentence before masturbating to Ronnie’s foot, or was it too much, and she had to pause-mid-sentence to flick the bean?

1: She looks a bit young

That applies to every endeavor though. I mean, eventually we’ll all be dead and nothing we did matters, so why don’t we all just lay down and die right now?

“The world sees her as this glamorous, sophisticated, jet-setting woman”