The balk rule itself makes sense, it’s the inconsistent umpiring of it that makes it seem confusing.
The balk rule itself makes sense, it’s the inconsistent umpiring of it that makes it seem confusing.
Lol at the billboard. I would have gone with “Trump uses a controller even though he plays on PC”, but a good Hanzo jab is solid stuff.
My wife’s step-grandmother has dementia, and it completely changed her personality from a sweet-natured busybody to a severe Negative Nancy with wild mood swings and threats of violence, so it can change people’s personalities.
I live in near Seattle, as liberal and progressive a city as there is, and I saw a big Dodge Ram with a full body-wrap that says “Trump 2016" and “Make America Great Again” all over it a few weeks back.
evidence of a PSN sign-in with the serial number
If this is all a ploy to hype the video game release, it seems off by a week. It seems like to capitolize on this, you would have had Goldberg accept the challenge last night for an event/PPV a month or two down the road.
I’m assuming it was more of a hit on Billy than Trump. If you work for Access Hollywood, you know Billy, you think you’d be friendly at a minimum. You would have to know he is going to get heat for his half of the conversation, but someone still leaked it.
So sorry they you’re so scared that you think you can kill when your own death is unlikely.
As much as medical care costs, I would get as much use out of the hospital shirt as I can.
Easy for you to Monday Morning QB it, at the time all you know is that you are being attacked with a weapon in your own yard. You don’t know it won’t be life-threatening.
Yea, I’m about as pussy a liberal as there is, and I’m for greater gun restriction than we currently have, but if I have the option to get stabbed seven times or shoot a guy, that dude’s getting shot. I’ll try for a leg at first, but being attacked with a knife is one of the incredibly few times producing a gun is…
That struck me as well. Why would he recall a single convo from years ago?
Right now, Kellyanne is reading this to Trump, who is protesting the consideration of using this tactic.
Still not as stupid as Susan Hutchinson dismissing his comments because “he was a democrat at the time”.
Fair enough.