
Oh, I’ve thought about this quite a bit actually. If Oprah with all her money (with its access to any and all resources necessary/desired to lose weight) and seemingly endless ability, resilience, willpower and tenacity has been unable to lose weight and keep it off, that is the clearest message ever about weight

Equal and opposite reaction time folks:

I’m gonna miss you, Obama. :(

I get what he’s saying because Ellen was visible in a way no one in Hollywood had been up until that point. Still, as humble as he is, he’s been an amazing president for LGBT individuals (and the country at large, I think.) He pushed the repeal of DADT through (thanks Clintons!) and refused to defend DOMA (thanks

I can’t find it now, but I JUST read a post about this. The girl is saying that guys complain when she won’t pretend to like sports for them. “But what if you’re dating a guy who does, won’t you watch it with him?”

Damn. Its hard to grow dismissive of Jezebel (while, don’t get me wrong, consuming it like a box of Cheese-Its) when every now and then a post like this comes out.