
If you had a 15 member clan playing regularly you should EASILY be six. Source: My own clan.

I recommend knitting and mushrooming, very cozy and useful for the fall and winter months.

It feels so pointless. It’s just the crucible and you work toward nothing substantive. I’ve got several packages and it’s been re-skinned guns and zero armor. I thought at first that the token system was a cool thing to handle some of the world content, now that I see they intend to use it for absolutely freaking

i dont want to be dead orbit anymore. i only signed up for the scout, which compares like garbage with my new weapon.

I only did it for the scout rifle.

It’s not even Hung Jury. I would have joined the “space pussies” if it was.

Dead Orbit has won Destiny 2's first Faction Rally event. Congratulations, you bunch of gothy space Moanas. Now the rest of us can blow all our glimmer on a mediocre scout rifle.

Exactly! Less time in orbit, SOOO much more to do while on a planet, and lots of rewards for exploration. Big bonus for an interesting story with characters that I enjoy watching and listening to. 

The patrol zones are so incredibly well done. There’s so much to do from the public events, the high value targets, the roving pikes, treasures to find, and the all out wars that break out. Adding in the adventures and seamless mission launches is just such a great way to do it.

Yep. I love how the mission structure keeps you in public zones and the map makes it SOOO much easier to find interesting things to do.

Destiny 2, with a side of Destiny 2. I’m really loving so many of the changes they’ve made. It’s not perfect but it’s about as close as I could have hoped for.

They’d probably ruin it by adding the FF15 combat system to it.

It deserves a remake. I think I already own at least 4 versions of FF9.

Well, IX is the best one so he’s right.

If a tree is removed and no one was around to witness it, was it ever really there?

what is a mario?