

It's gotta spawn somewhere, right?

Gazeem keeps running ahead and stopping the spawns!

"Rest assured, top men will be looking into taking care of the loot cave."

legendary punz

oh yeahhhh!

Here's my first ever effort!

Nothing precious to steal anymore ;)

Major issue? Hahaha that's a funny joke..
I spent a few hours on Venus where that crashed "pirate" ship is fighting the fallen and vex and ended up getting myself 6 rare ships and a couple legendary engrams.
I ended up getting myself a few legendary drops doing strikes yesterday and finally ended up getting a legendary

Playstation Home is on PS4 though. It's called Destiny

I've no luck with armour, but the game's been quite generous to me with its weapons. My first legendary drop was a scout rifle. :P

To me Destiny isn't about interacting with other people. It's a game where I can avoid talking to people, and enjoy the game.

The Cryptarch isn't broken. The problem is that you are lazy.

I like they address the scout rifle situation then their dev notes. Scouts are way too underpowered at long range.

Finally! Although, to be honest, I've been enjoying the lack of profanity-laced pubescent voices in the Crucible. But, I suppose if it helps with team coordination...

I lost it at this one