Adam and Eve’s family consisted of sons Cain, Abel and Seth, plus a minimum of two other sons and two daughters, giving a total of seven children.
Adam and Eve’s family consisted of sons Cain, Abel and Seth, plus a minimum of two other sons and two daughters, giving a total of seven children.
didnt know a human cant be a part of inbred when our ancestors originated it. hi there! meet adam and eve, your og grandparents.
oh hi there animal, im gonna guess youre not human and didnt come from....wait for it....adam and eve whose childrens children and so forth had sex to bring our ancestors forward. welcome to the human race you inbred.
im willing to bet shes a beard.
hi. im middle eastern and can confirm this guy is a pos. he lives in trumps america and refuse to accept this inbred as one of us.
fuck this guy and his ugly ass face with his ugly ass neck beard. yeah im a little rough on the edges. sorry.
what in the hell. this whole time i thought season 3 already aired and i have to go stream it. well then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
please see this for reference
but what about when destiny 2 gets officially announced??? if you write the article, chances are the game will get cancelled or delayed.
can confirm positive associations. i was raised in a religious muslim household/family. the only conflict we had was clash of cultures. i rebelled anyway and did my own thing. im 34 now if that makes a difference.
can we talk about the dude in the top right corner.
im doing lent with my gf and one thing we gave up is video games. I AM DYING. I WANT TO PLAY MY GAMES. our only exception is 7 days to die since its coop. so yay?
anything with gerard butler is absolute garbage. why are they letting him make movies
pretty much exactly why i decided to skip launch and wait a few months.
is this edward norton
not yet. guess ill have to tackle this when lent is finished. dont ask lol.
how many endings are there and is it even worth going back to do so.
well the rumors are the story is gonna be a prequel, so it only makes sense.
my response to every speedrunner.