i can haz internet reading skillz??
i can haz internet reading skillz??
starred for the obama comment
as someone once said: dinklebot is a human trying to sound like a robot whereas nolanbot is a robot trying to sound human which is on point since ghost is trying to act human.
it comes down to what the team needs and what were up against. so depending on availability youll be seeing me alternate between torbjorn, mei, pharah, bastion, dva, zenyatta, junkrat, and widowmaker. once in awhile ill go with reaper if its close quarters.
As I misquote Ms. Swan: He looka lika pedophile.
orrrrrrrrrrr maybe they didnt wanna compete against return to arkham, world of final fantasy, and titanfall 2 since theres not much going on in december. and maybe they wanted to bundle it up with the new ps just in time for the holidays.
oooo look at you tough girl quoting pretty woman.
watching her speak with those jokes was unbearable, but the jokes against her were fantastic.
poor brosefs obligated to push the car when no gazolina
i have yet to see one of these portals. i have finished my first atlas quest line and am now travelling to center. keeping my eyes open and peeled. sadly i didnt know these existed til i read the article.
major major props to this dude. im gonna assume hes iranian bc of his last name (unless thats his partners?) and we already know hes jewish, so if he is persian....the fact that a persian jew left behind working as an attorney to do this is beyond amazing. persians in general are heavily pressured by parents and…
the 1980s kids look the best and “normal” whereas the 90s kids look like angry crackhead tweakers with hidden agendas. the millennials look all fat and obese bc america and thats just okay to promote unhealthy lifestyles.
its times like these where i say tenx gawd for gamefly.
more like battlebored
imagine if this game was crowd funded.
i feel somewhat torn bc i want to explore everything but also upgrade everything so i can handle things with ease. im at a point where i need to just relax and explore the current planet im on til i can actually upgrade my gear. im always running out of space. i see the amount of time you need to put in this game and…
*borat voice* es niiice
its like out of all the times for a persons body to crap out, is literally when you dont want it to.