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actually found a clip that briefly plays it@ 2:52 #nostalgia

OH MANNN you just busted out with a name i havent heard in ages.

gonna be a great summer leading into fall.

sounds like you dont care for team work at all. :(

i dont main genji, but ive played him enough to know your statement isnt entirely true. theres been times ive wrekt with genji and vice versa. so it really comes down to team dynamics/character choices.

well, if your ex gf needs a rebound.....

im going with ff15 so no conflict for me.

BECAUSE THEY WANT YOU TO SUFFER AND DIE. and i quote someone else here “cowering behind cover, opening my ui, waiting for it to load, switching to the inventory tab, waiting for THAT to load, cursoring over to ammo synthesis and holding a button to use it.

the week that they had a random character chosen for you to battle was pretty awesome because it actually gave me better insight to each character i played and made me rethink favorites. story wise, didnt do much for me, but for game play, i learned a lot.

i had no idea about this story until today. my life has changed. thank you.

7000? where are you? im getting sick of the millions of people here in l.a.


just take my money already

nom nom galaxy. surprised i didnt play this gem earlier, and it is quite lonely on mp. and overwatch.


badass. so much more convenient than getting in and out of a vehicle. traffic? f this im outta here.

i always wanted a green controller for new gen consoles. just like the one i had from n64 days. but for my ps4 :|

“its high noon” is the equivalent of hearing the hammers clank from a sunbreaker titan in destiny.

cant wait for this game! i feel like theyre trying to approach batman on a human level a la bruce wayne. just my guess, but either way looking forward to it!

overwatch and guns up