shay simmons

Here’s something I saw recently and got a kick out of:

So Steve Bannon actually looks slightly less like a walking herpes lesion than is popularly believed. Got it.

So I heard Bailey’s next doc is titled “Jeffrey Dahmer: Daredevil Foodie!”

Also, I PROMISE you that if rabies could be solved by lavender oil, I would have done that, rather than the 7 shots in my ass I got.

I gave my dog vaccines. He grew up never even learning to talk. He poops outside in public. He refuses to wear pants. He can’t read or write.

Several anti-vax organizations have been pooling their collective intellectual powers

I hear that. I have a Master’s degree, and I went back and studied Massage Therapy. I was surrounded on all sides by folks who insisted that Toxins Are A Thing.

it would be like a janitor saying they are a “hygienic assurance engineer”

I think it’s something they do in their off-hours, when they’re waiting for a fresh virgin to tie to the railroad tracks.

My main take from this is that you clearly have super-human self-control. You somehow managed to not punch Tenpenny or Wakefield in their smug, ableist faces.

As an adult with Asperger’s Syndrome, I wish I had been on the cruise, so I could personally thank Andrew Wakefield for convincing who knows how many people to avoid getting vaccines for their gluten-free, essential-oil, special-snowflake offspring, lest they me.

Tenpenny is a horrid beast - she advocates using MMS (chlorine dioxide) to “cure the parasites that cause autism” IE - using industrial strength cleaning solution as an enema. It cause the intestines to shed their lining. It is child abuse, pure and simple. Both she and Wakefield should be marooned with no pistol.

I’d have a hard time resisting the urge to drown Andrew Wakefield in a swimming pool.

As someone that works in the Federal Court system, I can say that sovereign citizens are THE WORST people to deal with. A lot of them are currently in prison but the ones that aren’t are at the courthouse all the time filing the craziest things. They are truly insane.

““In 40 years,” Morton added, “as many people will believe a bunch of Arabs knocked down the World Trade Center as will believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.””

I love it when people are right, but not in the way that they think.