
I'd agree, the fun of FC3 and 4 is diminished heavily over time by the sheer lack of anything to challenge you. I enjoy them, but can only get so far messing with tools, and creating my own fun. When a game provides actual challenges, I'm force to think differently, and executing my plan actually has some stake to

I'm one of those who loved the crap out of FC2. I loved FC3 too and 4 (though 3 left a more memorable impression), but FC2 hit the nail on so many mechanics and ambiance that it's still for me one of the best open world games out there.

This was a big factor for me as well. I have over 100 digitally downloaded games on PS3 and Xbox 360. For some reason I thought Sony and MS would let us migrate them over to the new consoles, but that wasn't the case. In the old days I'd sell my last gen console and it wouldn't be a big deal. I could sell my console

The game definitely had its share of flaws; malaria, repetitive enemy checkpoints, tedious driving, bland missions. But it also had some interesting ideas such as the Buddy system or being able to manipulate the AI.

that photo was missing something...

It's important to note PS Vita has not just quite a few of it's own games, for me the JRPGs made my purchase real easy, but it plays PSP, PSone, PS Mobile, and with remote play PS3 and PS4. I still haven't tested downloaded PS2 games. And of course Cross-Buy games and PS Plus make it for me at least need more memory,

I'm sorry, but the moment when he pulls out that double lightsaber with the amazing chorus swelling behind him will always live on as one of the most thrilling moments I've ever experienced in a movie theater.

This is some serious Power Ranger style shit.

First time I think a decision made by the chinese government should be applied in every country.

I could tell you things about why the MGS franchise has evolved its gameplay with each new installment, the appeal of the anti-war themes in the story, the depth of its characters or how it doesn't rely on mystery as much as you claim, etc...

Bring this to the UK..Along with Yakuza 5...Please *weeps*

Oh snap. Even the arcade machines are tough in Foshan.

Fun fact: We're eating fish faster than they can breed. Ocean stocks are at all time lows, and getting lower. Every year there are less to catch, and thanks to increasing human population we catch more. The EU regularly employs environmentalists to provide guidelines for them about how many fish should be caught, and

I remember having a similar feeling regarding that of true next-gen, when I first played Dynasty Warriors 2.

Well, I can't afford to go out and eat, but at least I have this iPhone!