
I thought Avatar is. It is afterall the first drive to move movies to 3D

oh god, i need to get the 2nd one then :D

I thought it is the 1st and the 3rd :)

China still love the series with a passion

I am in Beijing, and i dont find China is weird!!!

It is part of Kotaku's charm, and i like it

Murasama rebirth, DJ Max, Uncharted, Hatsune Miku, Dragon's Crown, Soul's Sacrifice, Ragnarok Odyssesy, Mortal Kombat, SF X Tekken, UMVC3, Guilty Gear, Killzone, Gravity Rush, Wipeout, Dj Max, One Piece 2, that ninja boobies game, MGS 2&3 HD, Persona 4 Golden etc

I dont agree with the fact that Fifa Soccer, Need For Speed in the best Vita games list. A lot of other games should be on it: Killzone, DJ Max Technika, One Piece Pirate Warriors 2 (what a shame that this doesnt make it to the US) to name a few.

I like Killzone on Vita much better than its console brethens. it feels so refreshed, the story is not too long compared to console version, and the only touch functions forced on you is zooming and the melee attacks which work really fine. Multiplayer is really fun, and the game works without a hitch.

Holy f**k, the GIF is made by fans??????

I love the Megaman Powered Up on PSP, the remake for Megaman 1. But as per Crapcom's bad decision, they didnt have it on PSN for me to play on VIta :(

Shouldnt that be a 2-Live Crew song? :D

I still love Return to Castle Wolfenstein (i re-bought it on Steam!) but man, those undead with shields are really damn annoying.

I downloaded from PSN, so i guess that count into it too? or this is just hard copies

If this come to VITA, i will buy it and play it again!

this make me really wish that they release Crisis Core on PSN. I would love to play it again. One of the most underrated Final Fantasy games.

Dead Space did it best

this game is genuinely good. Hey I play COD on Vita, and that is just because i have friends to play ad hoc multiplayer with (trying to connect online for a session in China is tiring), but the overall experience is so underwhelming.

5+ GB to be exact. 3GB download that will expand to 4GB, and the patch, 1GB

Few MBs per games. some games might have bigger save file. but 1GB should be more than enough