For his own protection, the works of Stephen King should be violently wrestled from his hands when being adapted. See: The Shining. See also: the TV mini-series of The Shining.
For his own protection, the works of Stephen King should be violently wrestled from his hands when being adapted. See: The Shining. See also: the TV mini-series of The Shining.
Can this please just come out already?
2230. This is post-apocalyptic. Mark my words, in the last episode, Tyrion is gonna come across the statue of liberty.
Glad to hear it, I'm buying it Tuesday. I'll never give up on King.
As others have pointed out, yes, that was the teacher.
All true statements. I just wasn't sure if the author was aware.
I found it quite a bit better than the review implies. "Light on profundity" is selling it short. I would go as far as an A-. It would make a fascinating double billing with Enemy (which got an even more undeserved C-).
I think that's the braveness of the episode. Him kissing her would have been the most pandering thing of all because it would have been him saying, "Hey, I'm better than other people because I can see inner beauty," but the truth is that he simply isn't attracted to her, the same way the women he ogles aren't…
Goodness gracious, I would rather cut off my foot than spend an evening having dinner with you.
"No matter how sad it may be that the only way many will start to understand this maligned populace is if a white guy explains it to them…"
Stop it. STOP IT.
I have faith that we'll see it again.
No, no, they could still find another home for it. Right? RIGHT?
Duly noted.
Wait, Glee still exists?
Reading reviews on these articles is hilarious. Nobody wants to touch this story with a ten foot pole. Neither will I, but unless any definitive evidence emerges against Singer… I'm still seeing X-Men.
Hmm. Do you know which episode?
Mantzoukas did the rewrite? When I saw his name in the credits I assumed he wrote a first draft which subsequently got butchered. Either way, he's too funny to write a bad movie this terrible.
I hate all the greenscreen work on this show. It makes it seem so sloppy.
" Likely to be appreciated only by homeless viewers who need a quiet place to nap during the cold months of winter…"