Good for you! More time to eat your user name.
You didn't go to New York. You saw Oliver Twist.
No. Not all of the time. Do better.
The irony of eating popcorn.
Chino as young detective Gordon?!!!
I have a friend issue: this nerdy annoying girl named Mallory won't stop following me and my other friends around. We've tried to make it clear that she's fine but just not going to be accepted into our clique,'s not sticking. To make things more complicated, she's pretty close with this girl Jessi, who we…
It sucks to be obese on an emotional level, sure.
Mock could have taken it as a moment to be an ambassador for trans people and used the show as a platform to teach Morgan and his viewers.
"I'm a male white comedian, and obviously I succeeded only because I'm super duper funny. I have to believe that if others do not succeed it's only because they are not funny, because otherwise it means I have to think less of myself and my ego feels hurt. To me, the possibility of changing and engaging in creating…
Can we all please remember as we discuss that JK Rowling wrote books, not movies?
"Yet these four walls also harbour a terrible secret. During almost half of its long history, the Cleland Plantation was home to 250 slaves, who lived and died in conditions of unimaginable brutality."
Here are some other explanations for ALL of those assumptions:
My 11 year old son is THE BIGGEST football fan in the world. The ENTIRE world. He knows every stat for every team, every player. Everything. He became eligible to play tackle football last year and I made up every excuse in the book as to why he couldn't play. Much to his disappointment, he went back for that one,…
Jesus fuck I hate people who talk about "purple" people when they're discussing race. LOL, reducing non-white people to the level of whimsical, imaginary people! Like I needed another reason to find him repulsive.