Shawn Wayne

That only really ever happens in the movies. I’d like to see ONE example of this in real life, such as a recent news article or something. If you keep it concealed, no one will know it is there until it is needed.

+/- 11% is pretty good in an overall industry I would say. There are many different factors to take into consideration. But yes I know that a gap does exist. It doesn’t exist for every company, but industry wide there is a gap, though not as large as some other industries.

Still haven’t upgraded to Windows 10 yet. Maybe now is a good time to do it. I forget when the cut off is for the free upgrade.

We can agree to disagree then. We each have differing opinions on the matter. I’m basing my facts on science and the fact that people are born differently, and not how someone self identifies as an adult. By the way, this has NOTHING to do with my original comment on this article, this conversation has descended into

I actually said what you said. Men and women are all different, and we all have different strengths and weaknesses and abilities. Yes, I know that is a fact. You are picking apart my words. But you also fail to realize that women are biologically different from men. I know people can have a sex change and take

Care to elaborate?

I’d really like to see how I am sexist, since it’s obvious you believe I do not see it myself. So I’m confused. I thought I was being respectful and forward thinking. I even stated I believe men and women are equal and have their own strengths and abilities which makes us all unique. I never said anything hateful. So

You must have not read any of my other comments. No where was I sexist in any way, and in fact, I did state previously that in GENERAL a lot of women do not get into technical professions based simply on the fact that they are not interested in the field, but I also stated that there are many exceptions to this and

When was I ever sexist towards any of you here? I am simply talking about the fact that men and women are different. It is a simple fact of life. I’m not saying men and women have different rights, or men are better than women. That is NOT the case. Women excel and many things men are terrible at. There are some

I did go there based on another person’s comment. I also checked out a few other sources. It’s hard to get an accurate calculation with just a couple of basic inputs, so all 3 of these online “calculators” I went to all show drastically different results. That one you mentioned doesn’t show hardly any change to make a

Women are different than men it’s a scientific fact! We aren’t just a bunch of identical robots wondering aimlessly around! How hard is that to understand?

Well I’m sorry you feel that way about the industry and the company that you work for. If you have a documented trend of targeted sexism towards yourself or coworkers and no corrective action is being taken, then I would recommend either taking action in court or finding another job. It’s really that simple. I’m sorry

So it is more of an issue per-industry than country wide. I know the problem is much less wide spread in smaller European countries than it is in the US at least.

As is Vox and I don’t know enough about these websites to comment on the matter. But this is 3 separate websites we are talking about. The “caclulator” at vox and ibtimes showed me different numbers, was was an additional tax burden of $11,000 (which seems a bit high) and ibtimes showed $4,000, which

Well I know that at least every company I’ve worked at HR would have a field day with any sort of sexism. In fact, we have annual training that is mandatory to avoid this sort of thing you are describing. I certainly hope it doesn’t happen everywhere. At least every decent company I’ve worked at has been staunchly

Do you have any reasons why women would want to get into IT less than men if it has nothing to do with what I said?

Oh I see now, it said disposable income, so I’d be paying that much less I guess? Weird. I wonder why this website is showing such a huge discrepancy between the two. Something on one or both of these websites can’t be accurate I would imagine. With such a huge gap, something is being miscalculated. I do feel that I

I have no idea how much my employer pays on my HMO plan, but they pay a pretty good chunk of the premium. I get a discount as well for doing these “healthy lifestyle” trackers and stuff for tracking my health. But $110 a paycheck is what it comes out to for a family of 3.

Eh, it’s still higher, but not as high as what was originally posted. Looking at about $1,000 more annual tax burden. Not astronomical, but I’ve seen similar calculators posted elsewhere with similar results. So it’s hard to tell without doing full tax calculations.