Shawn Wayne

Actually it is scientifically proven that women’s minds are different from men. There are also different hormones at work in our bodies, which is what makes us all different and not identical machines. These hormones effect our brains differently. Men and women are VERY different. This is known SCIENCE.

Well lets see...according to this I’ll be paying about 11,000 a year more in taxes. I’m currently paying $110 a month insurance premium for myself and my family. Even taking into account my $2,000 deductible, the numbers clearly do not add up.

To be honest, this isn’t the only place I’ve seen these figures either.

Yikes...I guess I’m not voting for Sanders anymore. I’m already paying a LOT in taxes. What people do not take into account with their tax burden is what you also pay in sales tax, state income tax, property tax, vehicle licensing tax, gas tax. There is a TON of taxes! Why should I have to pay more than what I’m

I didn’t mean in that way. Ask my wife the same question she will tell you women are wired differently. In fact I did ask her that question and that was her response. Granted, not ALL women are wired differently obviously some really do have an interest in technical jobs. I’m just saying women in general do not have

This isn’t true of companies that operate in nearly every country on the planet however. I know women who are managers in European countries who make just as much if not more than their male equivalents. This may be true for the US economy at-large, I’m not doubting the statistics that they have found. However, there

I’m talking specifically about the company I work at, which is a multinational midwest corporation, specifically NOT located in silicon valley, and not an actual tech company, but in an IT position for another company that is not in the tech sector.

Oh they must have updated the post! The first paragraph said women earn 79 cents for every dollar, where the second paragraph says women make 75 cents per dollar LESS than men, which means women make 25 cents per hour if a man makes a dollar per hour? I know what they meant though. It is just the wording is incorrect.

Your first paragraph you said “women still earn 79 cents for every dollar a man earns for the same job”

I have the ice sphere molds that he has in the video and even with filtered water they turn out cloudy. I’ll have to give his method a try next time!

hot damn that monitor is sexy.

I have a 6S, and I’m still at 78% after unplugging from 100% 9 hours ago. I’d say it all depends on your usage. I don’t sit on my phone and watch videos constantly, so minimizing screen on time seems to help.

And your phone plugged in because it will be dead by the time you arrive at your destination from all the reporting.

I was just thinking while watching the first half of this video I wonder how this would work with a natural cork and not a synthetic cork, and sure enough he shows that it does not really work with a real cork.

Also interesting fact, I live 5 minutes away from Allen Edmunds corporate headquarters. They have an Outlet store not far from me. I should check it out sometime.

I spend my days in a data center as well and can confirm, my feet get very sweaty in the same leather shoes day to day. I need more shoes.

I’ve been doing that for the past 5 years or so until recently, when oil on my skin got so bad in the winter time even washing 5-6 times a day didn’t help. I think my skin was overcompensating for the dryness by producing excess oil.

I believe I heard similar advice posted on here several years ago. Something about not using any products on your face and just letting your skin handle itself naturally. I went several years with washing with only water. It worked for a while, except that my face would need to be washed of excess oil 4-5 times a day.

If you have serious skin problems not just on your face, it might be time to visit a dermatologist and see if there is something they can do to help.

I’ve had many problems as well! The winter weather just absolutely sucks for trying to manage healthy skin.