Shawn Wayne
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I’ll just leave this here. From the totally unbiased guys from Mythbusters. Even at 21 feet, most people can’t draw a gun and shoot fast enough against a charging knife attack.

You also have to look at demographics. We are one of the most diverse cultures in the world here in the US, and with that we have many issues with violence between different cultures, gang related violence, and rampant drug problems that all influence that number. We are a different culture than western Europe as a

I’m talking about a world-wide comparison, not picking and choosing individual countries from a hand-picked list to compare against. While it is true that some European countries have a lower homicide rate, it isn’t always the case for overall “violent” crime. The UK and other western European countries still have

I knew that New Orleans was an exception to the “norm” since that seems to be a very violent city with an above average crime problem. This isn’t representative of the entire country as a whole however. I see your point in looking at the data on a city-by-city basis however if you are looking for a safe place to live,

Everyone likes to point to the total number of homicides in the US as a number that makes this country look terrible, but they forget to conclude that the sheer size and population of the United States puts us in a different light than what would be believed. You must look at the per-capita homicide rate compared to

People can argue about our Constitutional rights all day,but in the end people will find a way to kill people regardless of the implement. Bad people do bad things. Personally, I’d like to have the freedom to defend myself with the best tool available as an absolute last resort if needed if I feel I am in danger for

It’s probably a good thing that they don’t count suicide by gun in the results since I do not see this as a public act of violence towards others, it is self-inflicted; therefore, not related to actual violence. Looking at my own state, I can see that Milwaukee county is much higher than the surrounding areas just due

It doesn’t show up in search, but if you do a search for Microsoft and then look at all apps offered by Microsoft corporation, it shows up in there.

I cant say that Plex has ever been reliable for me. It crashes constantly, and doesn’t organize my media correctly. A lot of my TV shows get split up into seasons that don’t exist, or episodes from one season get put into the folder for a different season for no apparent reason. That doesn’t bother me as much as the

I went to one of these for-profit colleges, and looking back I would have went with the much cheaper local public college for the same degree if I were to do it all over again, and I didn’t even graduate! I’m sitting on $45k worth of student loans and all for nothing basically. They claimed to be more “industry

I would LOVE to get better at sharpening on stones by feel alone; however, I have tried and tried many times and I always seem to dull my blades worse each time I try to sharpen by hand. Eventually I ended up getting a Lansky sharpening guide system. It still uses stones, but it clamps your knife in at a preset angle,

Costco membership!

This is all very good information, and I even did a disc assessment at my last job. Unfortunately, when those in charge do not even pay attention to each individual it doesn’t always work out well. You need people on both sides (managers and employees) to understand eachother’s own characteristics to really make this

My favorite free apps:

I have that Custom Leathercraft bag. Can confirm it is excellent for tool storage. Plenty of pouches for organization, and the center main compartment expands nicely for larger items. I use this as my “IT” bag, and I have a larger Husky brand tool bag for my household repair tools. I also keep my car repair tools in a

I usually only drink 2-3 cups a day, which doesn’t seem like a whole lot compared to other people I know. I drink it because I enjoy the flavor, and the aroma, and the ritual of brewing a good proper cup of coffee, not so much for the caffeine.

Meh, not really. The other places that usually have what I am looking for are just chain grocery stores anyway, so its the same thing really. Unless I’m looking for something really specific that Costco doesn’t have.

Even $850 sounds like a deal. I know of several people who have been stuck with bills ranging from $1,500-3,000 for an ambulance. Its insane.

I’ve been making rice many different ways for years, if I want sticky rice I can make it turn out just right, if I want fluffy rice I have a technique for that as well. There are a lot of factors, but I usually add lemon or lime anyway just to add a bit of flavor to the rice. As an added bonus, try adding some