
He probably barely knows how to drive a car. When in his life has he ever needed to go somewhere and hasn’t had someone available to drive him there? I mean, he didn’t know that you don’t have to show an ID to buy groceries because people have always done things for him. He may have owned Lambos and SLRs, but he

You forgot to include the bit about how they borrowed the invisibility tech from the F-35.

That... that was my entire point.

There are also numerous examples of how the GOP side of the Judicial Committee ignored the standards of the process in favor of playing partisanship to fast track Kavanaugh, prior quotes from Grassley, Graham, Hatch, and others that show a double-standard and moved goalposts that depended on who was in power at the

Yeah, the whole “terms that are fair and which ensure her safety request thing basically sums it up.

When Anita Hill’s accusations came about in the 90s the FBI investigated before she testified. It took three days. I’d like to think we are capable of moving at least as fast in these data-driven days. Also, there’s no deadline on filling a SCOTUS position. Just ask Merrick Garland.

You know, I tried to think of someone who is right-leaning who I still find genuinely funny. But I can’t. Back in the 90s I kinda liked Dennis Miller and thought he was sharp-witted, but then in the 2000's he just sorta lost it. Now he’s more troll that comedian, more mean than funny, more spiteful than witty. Any

That would actually be great. Imagine receiving a call, much like Neko getting calls from Roman in GTA4 (“Hey cuz, let’s go bowling”), while you’re pounding away at some flunkies, and having the event show up on your minimap as an optional scene. You can decide to make time for it before it expires, and add some

Indeed, that was sorta my angle. People need to be aware of what it means to be ill and have options. I have a friend who replied to me recently after a long period of silence (my last message had been a few weeks prior asking to hang out) and he just said something to the effect of “I don’t know what’s been wrong

With regards to “T’s and P’s”, I’m all out of prayers at the moment. Being an atheist does that. As for the thoughts part of that, my angle is that if we build into a part of our culture that it’s OK to seek help when you feel like you’re having a breakdown, if you need someone anonymous or protected in whom you can

Or getting help. It’s easy to say “shoulda just offed herself first” but what if she’d felt like she could check herself in somewhere to get straightened out instead? Why someone gotta die (even just her)? Nobody ever feels like they can get help, and that’s a problem. Not an excuse for her, as she still decided to

I had a similar story, but mine didn’t turn out so well. In my mid-20s my girlfriend bought a VW Super Beetle as her daily driver because she got a deal at only $2500, and I loved driving it so much I decided I wanted one too. It had always been my dream car. I found one on eBay that was supposedly a “clean California

Back around 2002 I had a musician friend who was really into Train, which surprised me because his tastes were usually very eclectic (anything from Tool and Nine Inch Nails to Victor Wooten and Miles Davis). He was trying to show me some strange rhythm the drummer was doing, but I just couldn’t get past the chamomile

And bustin’ makes me feel good!

Came here to also point out that Demi Moore basically made out with Whoopi even though the audience was only supposed to see The Swayze. However, the article did address that they left it out because going as far as actual sex was only be implied as the film limited shots strictly to heavy petting.

He’s probably the closest the left has to (convicted felon) Dinesh D’Souza. The people who already believe what he films continue to promote it and even if there are moderates on that side who say “I have some concerns about your material and presentation” they’ll just be shot down as trying to “eat their own” instead

He looks like a combo of a stern George Lucas and my boss when I worked at Kinko’s back in college.

I got to see my favorite band when I was in Junior High (Smashing Pumpkins, original lineup in the 90s). At the time that was about the happiest I had been. They’ve come near me on tour a few times on various new lineups, but I know better than to tarnish that memory now that they aren’t in their prime and have become

Moore is one of those filmmakers/pundits who I have mixed feelings about. On one hand, I almost always agree with his message or goals. On the other hand, I very often disagree with either his sometimes questionable methods or the argument he chooses to use in favor of ones that could be made on sturdier (if less

I keep hearing all these positive reviews for Moose Drool. I could have sworn I tried it and hated it, but I just messaged the friend who usually provided interesting brews to our gatherings and he corrected me that it was Buffalo Sweat - and NOT Moose Drool - that we all tried and hated. I suppose it’s easy to get