That’s one of the reasons Luke Cage is so powerful
Careful, that limb’s getting pretty crowded.
At this point the first thing to address isn’t even the blame but rather the outright denial that 3000 people died. Trump won’t even go that far. Abby changed the subject from defending Trump’s lie to deflecting blame and didn’t address the issue that he’s creating demonstrably false conspiracy theories out of his ass.
I’m glad somebody else remembers that “Babies everywhere!” commercial. My wife and I occasionally randomly remember and quote it to each other as it came out around the time we first started dating and became one of our early shared jokes.
Actually, I DID mean Michael Rappaport.
It’s also nice to see that he’s started naming his children better things than Pilot Inspektor.
That’d be great. Retcon them that they had been on a space mission in the late 60s or so, had been off adventuring (a la Captain Marvel or G2G) or in the Quantum Realm, and are now back with super powers. Skip a lengthy backstory that’s been done to death, and join a rich universe that now gets to feature some great…
I kinda liked Norm during his SNL days and I also seem to recall once owning and enjoying his movie “Dirty Work”.
In hindsight, maybe. But she was probably in an awkward position where she knew he could make or break her career and decided to just play nice until she could conclude her business and then ghost him whenever the opportunity arrived. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out in her favor.
Of course this problem is getting worse, not better. It’s a tragedy, but it unfortunately doesn’t surprise me. Too few media outlets have kept up the momentum they had in the weeks since the story first broke. Instead, we’re only receiving occasional updates rather than a continually blinding spotlight. This needs to…
Wow. Imagine that, on top of trying to get out from under an abusive relationship in which you’ve required law enforcement intervention, that suddenly due to some nuisance ordinance (the awareness of which is probably exclusive to bureaucrats and lawyers) you find yourself homeless and forced to move to a new city…
Ones that wrap all the way around her body and attach to some harnesses for a nice, cozy, immobilizing embrace.
Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement.
Doesn’t he also still pal around with sentient herpes sore and token white guy who thinks he’s invited to all the black BBQs John Rappoport?
This is completely plausible. However, wouldn’t it be neat to use such a law against these Nazis? Never create a rule you wouldn’t want to have used against you, and all that.
To elaborate a little on the mechanics of the sound, it was accomplished by playing the two tapes simultaneously, but on one of them you press in on the metal flange that holds the tape spool. This puts a little bit of pressure on the tape as it goes over the playback head and that pressure slightly speeds up or slows…
My wife and I have been looking for a new place to live. My wife joined some Facebook groups in a few states where we’re thinking of moving and started asking questions about where are some good towns within each state. Someone in a New York group private messaged her to stay away from some specific cities because “bla…
Neither CK nor Roseanne are guaranteed a platform. Neither CK nor Roseanne have been imprisoned. Neither has had any legal ramifications whatsoever for being pervy or racist. Private businesses made private decisions based upon the fact that private individuals made bad decisions. Did they “lose everything in a day?”…
Well, he was KFC’s Colonel for a brief period of time.