
Oh no, she’s a grown ass woman. She’s completely responsible for her own actions. However, I’m saying that it’s worth remembering how big of a deal sexual abuse is and how it can wreck somebody. If you’re an addict and you commit a crime while strung out waiting for your next fix you’re going to jail. We aren’t going

You should proofread your titles proofread your titles

Any support of underage sex and bending of consent laws gets dismissed. I won’t even leave you in the greys.

Well, if you’re right then I hope that deep down Argento knows it. I did some quick Googling and found reports that hours before he committed suicide she made a post on Instagram that said something of the sort “F*** you, you know who you are.” which is rather mysterious. She also had an affair with Hugo Clement and

Taron sang “I’m Still Standing” in the final act of the CGI family movie “Sing”. He did quite well. My youngest child says that’s his favorite song ever. Anything that gets him into the music I grew up loving is alright by me.

Do you think that Argento’s entanglement with Bennett and Bourdain’s discovery that it may be a coverup instead of an appeasement led to Bourdain ending his life? That’s bold and very serious, but I’m sad to say that we don’t have enough of Bourdain’s side of the story to dismiss it (and I’m sure Argento won’t be

Same. If anything I think it shows how being a victim can create a vicious cycle that creates additional victims in their wake. I still believe her about Weinstein, but I also believe that due to her own messed up sexual experiences it led to mistakes which may include the relationship with this underage actor. It

I posted a similar story. Not sure why it’s still pending (yay Kinja). Mine was the May 2013 storms and when Mike Morgan was all like “if you can’t get underground get out of the path of the storm” and all hell broke loose. Ever since then my wife has been deathly afraid of storm season. We’re finally about done

Will the young John McClane be played by JGL? If not, hard pass. If so, may still pass but may also still be a fun ride. Looper was the bomb though.

The only previous recasting of a major character came when Don Cheadle stepped in for Terrence Howard as James Rhodes in between Iron Man and Iron Man 2, when the franchise still wasn’t really, well, a franchise.

Aw, I missed this. I’ve got two to share though both of which involve me deciding that Oklahoma weather is the worst and it’s about time to move.

Those tactics probably worked on numerous “regular” reporters up until this point, so it was probably reflex. Who knows how much dirt had been buried by intimidating your average white collar journalist who didn’t have enough support to stand against it. NBC may even have a vault of secrets a la David Pecker for all

I agree. I was absolutely blown away when she sang with Metallica (the rehearsal version was better than the live one where the mic malfunctioned) and it made me want to hear her do an entire metal album just because of how much she owned that number. Any time I hear the Metallica original I wish I were hearing the

One of my favorite movie extras was a commentary track on the otherwise blink-and-you’ll-miss-it black dramedy “The Rules of Attraction” based upon the book by Brett Easton Ellis. The commentary track consists of bringing in comedian Carrot Top off the street to watch the movie and comment on it in real-time having

Yeah, “distractions”, like signs, traffic lights, pedestrians, the cars around you...

Nope, I am unfamiliar with that particular merchant of possible swill.

The Jones-Shafroth Act of 1917 is slightly different from the Maritime Marine Act of 1920. The initial Jones Act made Puerto Ricans citizens but did not grant them legislative representation at the federal level (which is another issue on its own). However, most people do still call the 1920 act the “Jones Act”, so

I had this reaction at first, too. While I do believe there’s a gradient to these things it’s still worth discussing as a part o the conversation as a whole. When I’m teaching my oldest son about consent I mention Aziz’s episode in particular because one must realize that, even if a girl is into you, even if you’ve