
Close your eyes and think of something. Anything, really. OK, got it? That thing you just thought about? Trump doesn’t know it.

Smashing Pumpkins was my first concert (unless you count lame festivals my folks dragged me to) on the Mellon Collie tour in 97. I saved up an entire summer to buy me and my dad tickets plus a little extra for merch (but had assumed shirts would cost the same that they do at the mall much to my dismay). Unfortunately,

I’ve owned a 1970 and 1973 Beetles. Can confirm door latch complexity even on cars of that age and reputation.

Just because something is the most popular doesn’t mean it’s the best. Time will tell if the King of Pop is remembered more than The Eagles after a few more decades. I think “Off the Wall” and “Thriller” still hold up pretty well contemporary wise whereas all I can say about The Eagles pre-’76 is that they’re

Maybe it was “well, if you publish this before we’re ready we’ll finally revoke Acosta’s creds.” You know Huckasans has had him in her crosshairs since forever.

I’m intensely curious about what CD this may be. Perhaps their tastes in music could reveal more about the inspiration behind this design (and possibly a better idea of what kind and how much drugs may have been involved).

Laura Wagner: Mine is breaking my toe by kicking a wall while angrily trying to kick a pile of my sister’s clothes out of the bathroom where she had left them once again in a heap on the floor instead of putting them in the hamper!!

It already is. Paste it into Google and there are plenty of derivatives of it available.

Obligatory: “Do you want terrorists? Because this is how you get terrorists.

On one hand, I acknowledge that video game companies have found a new way to generate profits. Some of these companies use profits in free-to-play microtransactions to produce AAA titles that do not contain microtransactions, so it can benefit those of us who hate their F2P titles but love their AAA titles.

Exactly. I don’t think an N-word tape would be enough to “bring him down”, as in force him to leave office, but it would certainly tank his 2020 performance without significant 3rd party interference.

Hey, I currently live here! At least wait until I can sell my house and move somewhere less embarrassing (have been seriously house shopping Vermont for months lately)

“Melania is counting every minute until he is out of office and she can divorce him.”

I’m not a racist. I was just upset over something else and it spilled out.
I’m not a racist. I’m just a provocateur and it was the first word that came to mind.
I’m not a racist. I’m just autistic.
I’m not a racist. I was just on Ambien at the time.
I’m not a racist. I’m just from a different generation.

Ah yes, a job as a professional victim. I hear that pays about as well as professional protester, crisis actor, or tooth fairy (all of which fall under the same category as DOES NOT FUCKING EXIST)

And yet guess which one conservatives wish to stop under the guise of “protecting personhood”

70 years?! 70?! Decades of not just complacency but actual, malicious shuffling of repeat offenders off into the anonymous margins so they could offend elsewhere?

I had three friends in high school who each had a shitty Corsica. We’d joke that they were “the standard issue car” among us poor nerds. Two were sorta white, but only sorta because one had lost its clear coat and changed colors from all the Oklahoma red dirt, and the other had lost paint coverage over at least a

All evidence points to Trump lacking a spine during face-to-face encounters. He’ll say whatever he thinks the other person wants to hear (for example being all smiles with other world leaders during summits) only to turn on the rage once he starts tweeting. He’s only a strong man on the internet. So yeah, I definitely

I think if you hold to the book then he did in fact kill people but two things happened. One was that few people actually noticed because yuppies really can’t tell themselves apart. The other was that things got swept under the rug (such as when he went into an apartment where he’d kept dead bodies and encountered it