
Stephen Miller is a golem made of mayonnaise

Every single one of his comments has either been hate speech or harassment, so yeah, I’ve flagged each and every one. Jeremy gonna need another burner soon, I hope.

The joke’s on her, as Wakefield doesn’t have a soul to steal.

Who let you out of the grays? All of your comments have shown you to be a terrible human being (and not a very talented troll, either).

The word was on his lips. It was there as reflex from bad habits. If it flowed that freely then you have a comfort with that word that you shouldn’t.

Maybe you should write a letter to Bad Horse. He let that Doogie Hauser kid in.

OMG yes, who kisses like that?! If I were kissing a super model and I happened to see that she was staring me down wide-eyed the whole time there’d be a me-shaped puff of smoke where I used to be standing because I’d nope out of there that fast. Super creepy, like maybe she’d also be watching me sleep and stuff too. I

I had always heard that the clumsy cut during this scene was because an on screen murder would have ventured closer to Rated R territory and they wanted to tone it down enough to stay safely PG-13.

That headline brings up an interesting question though...

While “Man on the Moon” was fantastic if viewed within a vacuum and was a phenomenal biopic, the Netflix documentary about the biopic, “Jim and Andy”, was insufferable and impossible to finish. I came away with the feeling that Jim Carrey was being Jared Leto levels of asshole to everyone around him during the

You can call a young doggo a “pupper” as well since one would also call a young human a “baby”. However, the term “pupper” is not exclusive to only young doggos much like how you can affectionately call just about anyone “baby” regardless of age.

I think “Boys Don’t Cry” was a stepping stone. First, they have to introduce gay and gender identity characters with believable sensitivity to largely straight, white, rich, pearl-clutching audiences with candy-coated casting that they already respect. However, after awhile you gotta stop candy-coating it and let

“Pupper” is the equivalent of calling a doggo “baby”

Now playing

This isn’t an argument, it’s just a contradiction!

I know! That tongue! That smile! I’ve got three already, but they could use another brother! SOLD!

I’m not only white, I’m from the South. The racism here is unique. Sometimes it comes masked in more friendly terms (“you’re so well-spoken”, or “can I touch your hair”), much like how the “rebel flag” supposedly means something other than supporting a war to defend slavery.

I was giving her the benefit of the doubt there for awhile, but yeah, that letter took turns. She shoulda just stopped.