
He literally said he hasn’t worked with them since 2002 and that it was a conscious decision on his part. So, your timeline above is moot. His point was that others should get organized and leave as well.

On one hand, Simon Pegg did the same thing with a foreword in “The Boys” since he was the inspiration for Wee Hughie. On the other, Sting?! Apparently, it started out as a random joke between two artists sneaking a Sting lookalike into the background of panels to see if the other artist could find him (Waldo-style),

Right, like suddenly humans can’t be both good and evil on their own. No, Aries has to cloud their judgment. Let’s blame Aries for how bad WWI was rather than the dichotomy of the human condition.

Today has been tough, and it’s all been because of stories just like this. They’ve just kept coming today, one after another.

Right down to telling the parents that they’re giving the kids baths before taking them away to never be seen again, yup.

Your husband did a good thing trying to convince his old friend not to just follow orders and keep separating families. I don’t often like “slippery slope fallacies”, but is it really more than a few degrees away from these kids never being seen again?

Nielsen would rather take the stage to dodge/defend taking children away from parents seeking asylum (doing so at places other than a port of entry is a misdemeanor civil case, BTW) rather than attending a United Nations hearing regarding Puerto Rico’s disaster recovery? Over four thousand people died and large

If he shows up as Frank it just might get me interested in the show again.

I don’t know what this grey was trying to say here, but judging by his other trollish comments I’m gonna say stay in the greys where you belong until/unless you bring something meaningful to the conversation.

I actually don’t fault Marvel too hard. The scenes in Black Panther (car chase, waterfall fight) were pretty much entirely CGI, but at least they let the character drama build properly.

Your Mormon friend has quite a point. Any time I try the “decent and kind” approach in a debate online I’m instantly met with partisan ad hominem. I consider myself an independent moderate, but as soon as you question the fascist, authoritarian leanings of our current regime you’re suddenly a triggered libtard

His entire song “Who Says” is all about getting stoned as an escape from the grind. Plus, he plays with Dead & Co. Yeah, dude blazes.

You gotta have middle names. How else will your parents be able to say your name in a way that instantly tells you that you’re in trouble?

My favorite thing to do with Game Genie was look through the book for games that sounded like they had the zaniest hacks and then go rent that game for a weekend. It’s how I discovered “Toe Jam & Earl”. I had such a blast, but then it became hard to figure out which ten lines of code I wanted to inject (especially

These days they don’t film movies. They film a costumed cast on a green stage and then do the rest in post. Even Marvel does it, but at least they know how to pick color palettes and where crispness and details count.

I thought the same. The movie was far more interesting when it was just Diana in WWI, but as soon as Aries was revealed and the action moved to CGI blurs and a mo-cap Thewlis-esque face on God of War body I was no longer interested in their battle. I was more interested in what Chris Pine was up to at the time (even

He’s been eating his feelings ever since the reviews came in and photos of his back tattoo have surfaced

Referring to “Bat-fleck”, or his hideous back tatoo? Little from column A, little from column B?

Buncha Serena Joy types, the lot of ‘em. They’re fine with their place in the status quo because at least they have a place, so fuck you, they got theirs.

I’m sorry you feel “left out of the national conversation”. Some of us would rather be talking about the current government policy of separating families at the border rather than worrying about what a bunch of rich, white, Christian, privileged ladies have to say.