I agree, some people elected Trump out of a wish fulfillment of all the times they wanted to tell someone to go to hell. They see him as a strong guy for doing so. But, there are two problems with this.
I agree, some people elected Trump out of a wish fulfillment of all the times they wanted to tell someone to go to hell. They see him as a strong guy for doing so. But, there are two problems with this.
Not just any mustard though. If it were some French’s classic they wouldn’t have cared, but no, he had to use some liberal namby-pamby stone-ground mustard like some kind of fancy pants Globalist. /S
I don’t recall anyone on SNL playfully tousling Trump’s coif though. That’d be like giving Ann Coulter a sweet little hug. It was that moment that cinched it for me that Fallon was creating a cute scene for a deplorable human being.
Trump hosted SNL in November 2015. By that time he had said the Mexicans = rapists comment and the Megyn Kelly “blood out of her wherever” comments. So yeah, not great.
Except when he tousled Trump’s hair. He humanized the pussy grabber in that moment.
Was gonna post this same thing. Glad I always check rather than hijack.
Hey, let ‘em try. Let them sink a whole bunch of money into it with a primetime slot. Let it suck because you never punch down, you punch up.
Agreed. From what I understand, they went smaller with Sims 4 because of all the complaints in Sims 3 about performance problems and load times which they chalked up to the game engine always trying to manage too much at one time (world too big, environmental and NPC background tasks stacking up, etc.), but I was…
The perfect Gin & Tonic:
99 parts gin to 1 part tonic.
“Not too much! It’ll spoil the flavor!” - W.C. Fields
To be fair to 45, the all-time great diplomatic powerhouse and Mr. Kim’s BFF Dennis Rodman is planning to attend! You guys, it’s “The Worm”! Five time NBA champ!
Also let’s count the number of World Wars in which Germany was the aggressor.
He was also the voice of Robin on the Justice League cartoon of the era and the voice of Shaggy of Scooby Doo fame. A true American legend indeed.
Personally, I think this is “diplomacy theater” done as a PR distraction. China has unrealistic concessions for any Korea deals, Trump isn’t going to do any homework to prepare, and Un most certainly isn’t going to go along with anything approaching the Libya model and will probably be skeptical of anything since the…
If the Bill of Rights came with a “no speed limits” amendment I’d have considered losing that right as soon as automobiles were able to reach 80mph. There’s a difference between “giving up a right” and “making reasonable concessions for the greater good”. That’s part of the “well-regulated militia” phrasing on the 2nd.
Reminds me of all the mods that were done to turn the Stormcloaks in Skyrim into an actual MAGA-esque, “Skyrim is for the nords” force to be reckoned with such as removing non-nord NPCs if you side with them in the Civil War. Yes, there are subcultures within game fandoms that adopt aspects for their own ideologies.…
So, it’s not just another drawer to hold your beer? Hmm, you learn something new every day. Still gonna use it as overflow for drink supply though.
ALL of the drugs
I worry that making schools “hard targets” will only start a process by which we also decide to harden other “soft targets” like shopping malls, busy street corners, etc. until we’re having armed guards around any place where large numbers of people congregate. In theory that would keep those people safer, but it…
At this point I’d settle for giving a competent/coherent fucking answer to an honest goddamned question which was offered in good faith and then work our way up from there.
Didn’t Trump want everyone to “arm teachers”? Is DeVos looking into who should be armed, how, or other possible security (or “security theater”) measures? Isn’t she supposed to toe the line that he raised?