
At best such a scene is tone-deaf to the abusive nature of the joke (not to mention it simply isn’t funny). At worst it could be triggering to an abused audience member or enabling to a predator. This is far worse than the “let’s fight the angry farmer by giving him anaphylactic shock” scene in Peter Rabbit. What’s

Everything’s a zero sum game. I see now. Did I just become a Republican?

The View covered the WHCD nearly a month after it occurred? That’s surprising.

I can’t even tell what’s real anymore. It’s like I clicked over to “The Onion” one time in 2016 and now all news tabs have become indistinguishable between reality and satire. I picked a helluva time to quit drinking.

Vanilla Isis

Maybe they’ll include the scene on the blu-ray release as an extended version or something? I think more shows should show a realistic depiction of sexual relationships including hang-ups and genuine connections. It’s a show for adults. There are still plenty of adults who have hang-ups, confidence issues, performance

Yup, it’s kinda like that. I learned as a young’un that quoting edgy movies/comedians around strangers who aren’t in on it is a good way to creep people tf out. It’s just not funny.

The guy on the right giving Celtics dude that side eye makes this image even better.

I just don’t get how nobody on the movie’s production took a few minutes to look up from their coke-fueled momentum to say:

I’m going to start off with a theory that, benefit of the doubt, the incident with Yi may not have been intended as racism but rather as an attempt to be so edgy and off-putting that the surprise is supposed to be funny, like creating a scene to get a reaction. Sometimes comedy is there to create discomfort and

That photo of the cop alone convinces me he did it though. Case closed.

Millan said that he “used [the slur] intermittently as a ‘youngster’ growing up in New York.”

Not surprised to see the tired “this isn’t who I am” lie in the “apology”. There’s multiple videos showing you shouting racist things in public at strangers. I don’t care to know anything else about you because those, by itself, are far more than enough.

See, I don’t buy this “the Left eating their own” line. Not when the pussy-grabber-in-chief who raw-dogged and then paid off porn stars can openly promote mall-creep Roy Moore and wife-beater Rob Porter among many others while making damn sure the public hears about each and every sin that the Democrats do.

What, no online menu? No nutrition facts? Before I fly around the world to eat a Totoro I want to know how much fat they have.

Were there any artful illustrations of a turgid member included with the letters?

It seems there’s a plethora of white, blonde actresses that could have been used to fill the Fox News ranks for a film adaptation. It really makes one wonder where this phylactery is that Fox keeps raiding to find more and more basic conservative avatars with the same cold blood and reptilian twitches. It’s already

As someone who has uploaded a ton of my own personal music into my GPM library I’ve been watching this closely, but alas I still don’t have a clear answer on if I’ll be losing that music in the future. Some of what I’ve uploaded are albums and artists not found on other subscription services, and if they’re going to

I once felt the need to step in when a cashier didn’t want to accept some $2 bills from the customer in front of me. The young lad had never experienced that denomination before and insisted they were fake. I offered to just “buy” the $2 bills from the customer, but the kid got his manager who finally vouched that a