
I’ve seen several reviews discussing this new, cinematic aspect ratio. The shows I’ve DVRd from BBC America are plain old 16x9. Are they cropping the sides for American broadcast to fully fit 16x9 TVs?

I’m 56, and The Incredibles remains my favorite movie of all time. I wasn’t expecting the sequel to reach those heights for me, but it really left me flat. It never really engaged me emotionally, neither that exciting nor touching. Upon review some of the themes it dealt with could have been interesting, but they

Yeah, I immediately mentioned that to my wife after the suicide. It was nice of the writers to address that possible discrepancy ahead of time, though I thought that dialog was a bit kludgey.

Yes, it’s the timeslot. The Magicians ran at 10pm; The Expanse runs at 9pm, so no derivations of “fuck” allowed. It’s not an FCC thing, since those restrictions apply only to the public airwaves.

Honest question: Had the word “fuel” ever been uttered in a Star Wars movie prior to TLJ? As much as I wanted to like this movie the whole premise of this slow-speed chase through space took me completely out of it.

A couple of years ago my wife and I were attending a performance of “The Trouble with Tribbles” put on by the Trek in the Park group here in Portland, and from a distance I saw someone being shown around the stage before the show. Partially through deduction and partially through recognition I figured out it was Mr.