
Did someone say rocks?

the word of god. And by god, I mean Me.

Now is actually pretty fucking scary.

Dyson's are excellent machines. Anyone who owns one will agree.

Tyler Perry in um... Oh wait. Never mind.

I feel it's more about self reliance than actually surviving. You can't learn extreme hunger from a tv show. Knowing survival skills (granted we're talking about tv shows) can help you with a myriad of problems. Coming from a motorcycle rider, I'm a little shocked at the tone of this article.

that's really far from the truth

Prometheus and Terminator Salvation are both great movies.

There is literally nothing in this article except "don't buy a house"

can we do it with a puppy next?

The sad reality is this rep is paid on commission to keep this from cancelling. His job is probably on the line...

except it's pretty common knowledge

yeah, this is misleading.

If you try really really hard, you can still rub one out.

Guys, you just have to jerk off really hard and you'll feel that intense pleasure that Jesus is talking about.

If I haven't seen it, it's new to me.

call me crazy, but isn't it more likely that something just ate the tag?

Touche on googling you. I've actually seen several of your videos on youtube and enjoyed several of your reviews. Clearly your friends are the squids, not you. For that I apologize.

How to not crash a motorcycle written in ONE page on gizmodo? HAHAHAHA....... thats hilarious. I did give this article the time of day, but please, I hope this is the last article I see on this site about riding. Please stick to the shit you know about... ya know, pointing the latest youtube video craze on reddit