
I was just kidding.... people take being right and wrong way to seriously on this site. It's more about the protest than anything... I say more power to the guy.

Most likely you are wrong. Banks and governments have to accept all forms of US legal tender to satisfy debts. See the coinage act of 1965. Fucking idiot.

STFU idiot.

STFU idiot.

...Because he didn't take the time to send it from a real computer... every time I see a signature like that, I interpret as "I sent this while I was taking a shit" I guess you're not involved with business enough to know that's a bad call with email etiquette. You'd think he would at least be smart enough to delete

I want the 30 seconds of my life back I spent scrolling and skimming... screw you gizmodo,

Where's the timeline? I don't have time to read all of this propaganda.

... porn would never be the same.

Maybe it's his personal chef trying to drop off his payload for dinner. Fatfuck. He makes me sick.

STFU idiot.

So... the court orders he can't touch the internet, and he says he's happier without.... that's like a smoking hot girl dumping your nerd ass and saying you prefer jerking it. Yeah right man.

Very sincere email coming from his iPad....

STFU idiot.

Is this where Obama was born?

STFU idiot.

With the description of the weight in the article... "Heavy to haul empty. Brutal when loaded." 16 pounds? Heavy? Brutal? Dude, I mean... I expected it to weight like 50 pounds MT. Methinks you need to hit the gym.

masturbating will never be the same

This is the greatest gizmodo article ... ever.

This has got to be the gayest thing I've ever seen... And yes, I've seen two guys fucking.

I would like to be able tell you I enjoyed reading this article, however due to the overuse of stupid backwards logic and seemingly no point to your stupid story....