
Somehow I'm reminded of a south park episode where Mrs. Garrison made a mono-cycle with anal controls and mouth controls...

I must have missed something.... how do I masturbate to someone that has private pics?

Has anyone ever tried: NOT FUCKING DRINKING TOO MUCH?

No pictures? Meh, I stopped reading....

I'm so glad she's alive after all these years!

03 huh? What other lies and propaganda do you spread online? SHENANIGANS!!!

I'm cool with the deals they post here > it's cool. I have no problem with the company trying to make ends meet... my disappointment lies in the overall point behind the article... well, is there a point to it? No. It's 5 sentences long, and ends with an order to go to wal mart

My problem is that I'm sick of seeing this crap on this site. Lets see some new technology, amazing videos/pics, awesome stuff... If I want to see what's on sale at wal-mart (and of all things itunes money??) I'll fucking go to wal mart. On top of that, there is no "free itunes money" as the title suggests. It

I'm very disappointed, Gizmodo. This is a savvy, hip, tech blog and you're now pandering for wal-mart... of all places? I expected to see "wal mart is handing out free itunes cards". What other things are on sale at wal-mart Brian Barrett? Can you give me a price check on a spine? I think you need a new one.

Maybe you should get some cream to clean out the itch in your vagina.... no one really thinks women can't write about tech stuff.... which is ironic because only a woman would make an entire article of bitchery with no point and post it to Gizmodo. Your opinions that you think might be unique and criticized all the

There are better photos on the guys site. Check em out.

Haha.... the french are pussies.

But don't you look more badass when you walk with your head held high?

This article is kind of ridiculous. Gizmodo can do better. Poor people acting like they're rich is okay, but rich people going balls out (like I probably would given the circumstances) is not allowed? Come on guys... I expected to see bad photography, memes, planking, tebo-ing (or whatever) and all I see is some

I'm pretty sure if the wind is so strong that your plate and fork is being blown away, you probably need to get on the evacuation route.

If we consider pluto a planet.... blah blah blah blah blah blah. Who cares? It's not like we'll ever see it in a lifetime, or our grandkids x10 to the 100th powers lifetimes. Hey scientists.... cure AIDS! Or herpes! Or figure out our existence!! Worry about classification later.

So basically, Event Horizon is the only sci fi movie to get this right?

So in other words, the only movie I've seen to get this right is Event Horizon?

The price of aluminum has steadily risen for a number of years, so I wouldn't pass them up when rifling through dumpsters. Good luck!

This is why I use Mozilla....