
I am dumbfounded by how many upvotes got when its a literal non sequitur.

Frankly sounds like r/iam14andthisisdeep. Magneto rising in the air has sexual connotation? Its the sort of juvenile writing I'd expect from someone who thought that airplanes were intentionally phallic in shape and thereby labeled the field of aerodynamics as sexist.

Indeed, even the guy who got bricked with a microwave stood back up after a while.

Pretty sure the point was to *kill* Myrcella and thus force Dorne into war with the Iron Throne.

When you realize that *all* of Ned's mistakes have their roots in his abhorrence of violence towards children… are they really mistakes after all?

Do I have to point out that Walder Frey might have had reservations about Robb's sincerity if Robb was all like "Umm, I'm too afraid to sit down at your table because I don't trust you - nevermind we are conducting an arranged marriage intended to unite our houses".

You are right to have your own perceptions. All of the 'best' characters on this show are deeply flawed if you look close enough. The love for Arya is akin to the love for Rorschach, I get it, but it really only works if you set aside (or ignore) the darker elements.