
Ethically, bloggers should never do that without prior permission. You can excerpt with attributes and links but you should never reprint. The amount of money you may or may not make from it is secondary (outside of a lawsuit).

Yes. This one is on a stick. The stick makes it much harder to inhale, especially if you're holding it in your hand.

Rollaboards generally maximize the allowable size for a carryon. They are fairly or entirely rigid. A backpack, purse, or duffel is more likely to be smaller and flexible. You could fit more of them in the same overhead space as a rollaboard.

I'm not a scientist and I don't play one on TV... but...

Your criticisms would have more impact if they were realistic. For example, the President had nothing to do with the credit downgrade—that honor belongs firmly with the House of Representatives and the current power of their Tea Party faction. The Senate had a reasonable, bi-partisan approach showing that this

"I think that anyone who is interpreting this guys anger as homophobic needs to take a step back. "

"Homophobic is NOT Equal to prejudiced against homosexual people. "

We flew to Los Angeles recently. We checked one bag each on Delta (for a fee) and then took one small gym-bag sized duffel on board for books, tablets, water. We do this because we don't have to worry about finding a spot for our rollaboard suitcases.

Matching the pattern on dry wall is darned difficult. Fixing any sort of decorative overcoat like venetian plaster is practically impossible. Wood floors and trim are more likely to be exotic woods. Etc.

He has four years of experience as POTUS. That's a significant record.

You're welcome! I love my Monster, but I have been drooling over the Brammo.

China has nothing to gain and a lot to lose. The "winner" of that war won't even be the lawyers. Their economy and ours are tightly bound together. We annoy them with Taiwan. They annoy us with NK.

"Or that internet streaming as it is right now, does not provide revenue for entertainment."

And yet Apple can offer those same shows in an a la carte fashion for far, far less money than the cable companies. 10 shows on Apple season pass = $350/year (more or less.) Cost monthly = $12.16. Compare that to cable at $50 for basic digital packages per month* and the bill only going skyward from there.

Hulu: watch the commercials and support the show! Good for everyone!

They watch commercials. Commercials provide no revenue?

I don't mind the commercials at all. I do mind $80/mo for 4 or 5 shows on their schedule or $95/mo for 4 or 5 shows on a DVR they lease to me. Buying those shows from Apple averages to roughly $3 per month (on an annual basis.) $3 * 5 shows = $15 per month versus $95. Both have ads. Plus, the PC gives me far more

Netflix streams video for $7.99 per month and makes their ROI. HIghly targeted ads make far more money (all other things being equal) than generic ads. Apple charges roughly $3 per ad-free episode and you get to *keep* it. Doesn't seem like a high bar for targeted ads that can be spread into the content randomly

Or, you could buy a Brammo Empulse which is supposed to go 100mph and has up to a 100 mile range for about the same you'd pay for any other showroom superbike. It's 100% electric and looks a bit like a Ducati Monster or an old Buell.

Wow... I'm not the only one that's used rubbing alcohol. Yeah, it works. It dries it out real fast. I'm anal so I pop each blister carefully and then drench in alcohol. I've had cases of poison oak so bad that they required visits to the hospital.